The All-knowing Principle

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"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Yes, please sit down."

I never really thought a mouse-man could be so intimidating.

Actually, it's more unsettling than anything else.

I sit in the chair with sensei in my arms. As I do, Nezu watches me very closely. Not too sure why though.

"So was there a reason you wanted us here?"

"Yes there is. Now that you are here we can clear some things up."

He then opens up a file cabinet and pulls out an entire folder. Sensei sends me an uneasy glance at that.

"So, I know you will be looking for a way back home, but that may take some time so I suggest you participate in UA's activities throughout your time here. More specifically, the Sports Festival, which is a competition between students to find out rankings of some sort, show off their quirks, and possibly be scouted by pro-heros. It is a huge event that is broadcast live across the country."

"Why UA though?"

"Oh, UA is the top school for training heroes."

"And you let me in 1A just like that?!"


I think about his words for a little while longer while him and sensei have a staring contest.

"May I continue now?"


"I would like you to participate in the Sports Festival. Before you freak out, I understand that 'Nyanko-sensei' isn't your actual quirk. However, would it not look more suspicious if you choose to sit out on this opportunity? Everybody else in your class would be participating. That would bring tons of unnecessary media coverage for the "boy in 1A who didn't participate in the Sports Festival." On the other hand I can see why you would be reluctant. If we were to broadcast you and your 'quirk', it would make it easier for the spirits, or youkai, to find you."

As he finishes, he hops down to the floor and walks over to the mini-bar in his office. He pulls a box out of one of the lower cabinets and grabs a kettle.


How could he ask that type of question after dropping that bomb of information on us?!


He talks as he preps everything. "I know about the Book of Friends. I don't want you to think about this too hard though. I met Reiko when she visited. She did drop on school grounds, so obviously as principal of UA I had to talk with her as well. She told me about it after we nearly restrained her for trespassing. It was only me and Midnight who were on grounds when it happened though. You can trust her and ask questions if need be."

He places the cups on the desk and carefully hands one to me.
He climbs back in his chair and grabs his cup. He takes a sip and then continues.

"She was here for a few months before she disappeared. We believe she found a way back to your dimension."

His eyes glance down at Nyanko-sensei again. He seems to consider something and looks around the room, almost as if trying to find something, and then he looks at me.

"You can see youkai too, right?"

I have never liked that question. I think I can trust him though since Reiko did, also Sensei hasn't objected.

"Yes I can see them. Can you as well?"

"No, but to some extent I can hear them. They mistake me for a real mouse and talk to me sometimes."

Sensei starts laughing at that.

"Sensei! Don't be rude!"

"It's quite alright Natsume."

"If you know that Nyanko-sensei isn't my quirk, what would you suggest I do about the sports festival?"

"Well, I suggest that you two try to work together as well as possible to fool not only the media, but your classmates as well. If you choose not to participate, that's fine too. You might even make a name for yourself if you stay annonamous. It would also prevent villains from getting valuable information about you."

Try to fool everybody?

Wouldn't that make me a liar?



"Natsume is being creepy again!"

"Stop lying! There's nothing there!"

"I'm not a bad person! This child is just impossible! I took care of him for months, so why can't you?We can't handle him with all the meltdowns and lying!"

Nyanko-sensei makes a loud noise of protest in my lap and looks up at me. He always has a way of making sure I don't get stuck in my own head.

"Would it be alright if I purposefully lost the competition?"

"Fine by me. As long as it looks believable."

"Will that be all?"

"Yes, you are free to go."

I get up with sensei in my arms and start to walk out the door.

"If you could leave Nyanko-sensei and the book for a minute. I'd like to have a word with him."

I look down at sensei and he gives me a small nod. I hand him the book and walk out the door back to the dorms.

Madara POV

"What do you want?"

"Well, ignoring the obvious change in attitude, I would like to run something by you regarding Natsume."

"Go on."

"When Reiko was here last time, she came across a different dimension youkai who could bring people here, but not send them back. She saw this as an opportunity and fought against it. She won, and it's name is in the book. I know Natsume would think it is selfish to request this so I'm asking you.

Should we bring Natsume's friends to this dimension?"

Natsume POV

As I approach the dorms I see a couple classmates outside. I can clearly see Midoriya and Kirishima.

There's another one with blonde hair that looks like he walked out of a photoshoot. There's also a boy with two different colored hair sitting under a tree.

What was his name?




I'll get it eventually.
They all look towards me as I get closer.

Midoriya looks at the dual-haired boy. They give a nod and start walking towards me.

When they get close enough for me to hear them Midoriya gestures for the latter to talk.

"Go ahead Todoroki-kun."


I was close enough.

"Natsume, we need to talk."


We then walk into the dorms and to Midoriya's room. When the door closes Todoroki leans on the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"You wanted to talk? About what?"

 He places his right leg on the wall and raises his left hand. He looks at it for some reason and then says,
"Natsume, tell me,

Are you and Tokoyami secretly twins or something?"


Natsume's Book of Superpowered Youkai?(MHA/NBOF crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن