Guardians of the sun

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There was once a race of people called Guardians. Humanoid looking beings that scour the universe. Once a happy civilization on the planet of Light. Now they are the few remaining descendants of a world long gone. Millennia ago the star of their solar system died. Exploding out and decimating their planet.

Lore/history of planet Light (can skip if u want):
• General gesture of greeting, gratitude, apologies, love, etc. basically anything u want it to be- creating a circle using both hands and holding it to your torso, bellow the breast but above the belly button. (If you didn't get it it's like a sun symbol ☀️= ⭕️ cuz they used to worship and have great respect for light and especially their 'sun')
• They believe the soul to be where they usually make the circle gesture, again in a spherical shape and was usually depicted in their old mythology as being a sun in design that radiated slightly out in little streams to flow through the entire body
• Basically worshipped the Stars as eternal bringers of life as sunlight makes plants grow and allow life to exist, also because the sun allows them to live as they get their energy from the sun
• Called their star the 'star of creation'- translate it into a fake language or something to make sound cool I guess idk
• These bitches can ~photosynthesize~ just because I think that would be funny, which means they don't 'eat' they just absorb light like plants do
• They find the fact that other living things actually eat other living things and are just kinda not into that but they also get that plants are just superior and it's not their faults that they can't ~photosynthesize~ like a bad bitch
• Have sworn to help other living creatures avoid the fall that their planet has had- they work to stabilize stars and in worse case scenarios relocate all living creatures onto other inhabitants planets
• idk what powers u wanna give them but go ham I guess cuz idk either

Possible plot ideas:
1) I thought it would be cool to instead of reading from one of the Guardians perspectives as they save planets and all that to read each chapter or whatever throughly the eyes of one of the sentient 'people' from the planets being saved and then switch it each chapter. Then maybe like the main character from one world can follow the Guardian to another planet to help or something idk didn't get very far in my brainstorming for this idea
2) I think it would be cute to have like a fluff plot so here's my attempt at one: the main character is a very socially inept Guardian because Guardians travel all over space, usually alone because there are so few Guardians left but so much space to cover (pun very much so intended). So when they arrive on whatever planet they arrive to they are slowly taught things like common sense from that planet, expressing emotions, love, or whatever by the native 'people'. Then save the world ya da ya da and make friends. This plot is also not very well thought out but it be like that sooo
3) The remaining Guardians are stuck wandering space looking for a new planet to call their home and stumble upon (insert planet name here) and try to make peace with the native 'people' of the planet, struggling because the cultures are different and because the natives are scared of the aliens that they have never met before and/or because they are ~xenophobic~ but to like a next level I guess cuz they aliens from an entirely different planet-> u can take this in multiple directions: a)the popular smut direction and have bringing the very small population of the Guardians back up in whatever way u want or
b)have a wholesome teaching aliens the natives culture and making friends way or
c) making it a war between the natives and the aliens, which side is bad? Idk u decide good luck

Basically the story is about aliens that no longer have a home planet if that was all to long because it kinda was

Also I did not grammar of spell check this so good luck 👍

Steal this PLSSSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon