A Show of Goodwill

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*you can skip this part if you want*
Even though I do talk a big game I intend to keep some of my stories to myself by just not sharing them here but that's only really about 1 or 2 stories that are really precious to me that I could never just give away. At first, I intended to hold this story as well but I think I need to let it go because I really wish to see it come to life. So as a show of goodwill I now present to you:

Men of the Sea

This story was something I thought up with the intentions of it being a bts fanfic, more specifically a jincentric story, was also intended to be rated M and NSFW. This was my work in progress blurb, don't come for me I know it's not well written:

Jincentric story

Jin is the best-looking creature to ever exist. There is absolutely no doubt about it. He comes from a rare species of merpeople that live in remote places in the ocean. Bangtan is the best know pirate crew across the seven seas. They occasionally take missions from kings all over the world from every kingdom. When they aren't doing that they're robbing other pirate ships or ...... fulfilling their needs. They are well known for doing as they please and following money where ever it takes them. A mission promising money beyond their wildest dreams, for the price of a simple shipment of exotic creatures. Sounds easy enough, right?

This is in no way a 100% accurate portrayal of pirates or the people in the story. This is a work of fiction and is not meant to replicate real life. The only thing likely to be correctly reflected in this story about pirates is them being hella gay because I am 100% convinced that the majority of them were queer😂. And yes my grammar can be kinda weird sometimes and I can't spell, what are u gonna do sue me?


So as you see in my atrocious blurb, all bts members besides Jin are part of a pirate group called Bangtan and they have little to no morals, they are all major hoes because how can people as fine as them not get mad ass soooo... I felt it was only right. I wrote the first chapter of this before I quit because I just can't write and it took me way too long to edit considering it still sucks major ass but here it is:

The sound of seagulls and bustling fishermen bringing in their catches of the day is all one can hear as the Adora anchors down on the ports of Korea. The King has summoned Bangtan with the promise of a worthwhile trade. What they would be trading they do not know but more likely than not they wanted assistance accidentally 'losing' another noble at sea. Or perhaps they would want assistance suddenly acquiring an arrangement of goods that can only be found in other kingdoms. Namjoon is fine with either of these possibilities or any other request they might receive. After all, it would not be their first time assisting a king with their problems. As long as it promised great rewards Namjoon and his crew would take on anything and everything.

As soon as they stepped foot on land Namjoon addresses the group.

"Alright, we all know the drill."

"Alright," Taehyung says with his usual amount of energy, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes but nod his head in acknowledgment towards Namjoon.

Taehyung would always go to the nearest stand you can find and fetch them some appropriate clothes and Yoongi always goes with him because we all know Tae gets... distracted. The rest of Bangtan waits at the doc, instructing Army on what to do.

While giving orders to Army Namjoon notices something in his peripheral. A hooded figure standing behind a fish vendor's shop. Namjoon rolls his eyes.

If they were gonna watch us they should at least do a better job of it. It's insulting.

It was not an uncommon occurrence to have people watch Bangtan from as soon as they docked to until they left. The kings of all nations were always so paranoid. Sending people to watch the untrustworthy pirates they themselves hired.

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