'Hey. You're probably wondering where this video came from or what it's purpose is and I will tell you but first you should know that this wasn't planned. I hadn't planned for this to happen. It was just as shocking to me as it will be to you.'

What is he talking about? What happened? And what had he not planned to happen?

'I love Elena, I do, she's everything that Katherine wasn't.'

Bonnie rolled her eyes. Of course this video was about Elena and how much he loved her. She really wasn't in the mood to listen to him go on and on and on about Elena right now. So, shaking her head, she went to turn off the recorer but the sound of Damon's voice stopped her from doing so.

'Bonnie, wait! Look, if I know you as well as I think I do, you're about ready to turn off this video but I am begging you to just hear me out. '

She sighed before leaning back against the couch.

'Thank you.'

He thinks he knows me because he can guess that I would actually stop and listen to him carry on about how he loves Elena? Pft!

'I love Elena but I'm not IN love with Elena. It's taken me five years to realize this but I was never really in love with her but in love with the fact that she was everything Katherine wasn't. And because I wanted something that I couldn't have. I know, that revelation shocked me too but it's the truth. I love her but that's all it is just love.' he looks a bit uncomfortabe with revealing how he feels. 'By now you are probably wondering what made me realize that and why I amtelling you all this. Well, I'm telling you all of this becuase...' he turns to his left at the sound of a door being opened.

'Damon?' It was Bonnie. She'd entered the room while he was doing his video.

'Yeah?' his expression was soft and there was a small smile playing on his lips as he stared at her from the door way.

'Do you want Chilli and corn bread or chicken and waffles for dinner?' she'd asked him. She was dressed in a pair of shorts, a spigetti strap tank top, her hair was pinned up into a bun and the icing on the cake was the 'I Bite Back' apron that tied around her waist.

Bonnie watched him eye her apron and smiled but raised a warning brow, 'Don't even think about it.' she says. 'Now, chilli or chicken and waffles?'

Damon smiles. 'Chilli.' he says.

'Good because I'd already started on the chilli.'

Damon chuckles. 'Then why ask me if you had already had your mind made up?'

She scoffed. 'It's called having manners.'

'And what if I didn't want Chilli?'

She shrugged. 'I would have saved it for another day and made the chicken and waffels.' she says before came into the recorders view, kissed his cheek and walked away. 'Dinner will be ready in ten and you BETTER be ready to eat.' she calls over her shoulder.

Bonnie smiled at the memory. She remembered that night. Damon was acting a bit...weird. He kept staring at her, finding reasons to touch her and he even kept up conversation on more than one occasion. At the time, she just thought he was just being Damon and trying to annoy her, but as she watches the video she is thinking it was something else.

Damon turned his attention back to the camera and there was a bigger smile playing on his lips. 'Bonnie Bennett you are the most stubborn, annoying, generous and beautiful woman I've ever met and I've met a lot of women in my days,' his smile faded and was replaced with a serious look. 'You drive me insane and to the point of destruction. You're always calling correcting me when I'm wrong, you don't know when to stop talking, you're emotional and emoitonless at times, it's why I think you're Bi-Polar, and you're soft. I wat to snap your pretty little neck most of the times.' he says.

Tell me how you REALLY feel, Damon.

He looked like he was thinking about something. 'I guess that's why I fell in love with you as hard as I did.' he finally admitts out loud for the first time since he realized that he'd started falling for the spunky Witch.

Wait - WHAT? Did he just - did he just say what I think he just said?

Bonnie rewinded the video and listened closely to him admit to her, over again, that he had fallen in love with her and hard. She begen shaking her head, "This can't be happening right now."

'Have you had enough time to digest what I've just said? If not then that's your problem because I can't take it back nor will I. I'm in love with you, Bonnie Bennett and I have no idea WHEN or HOW it happened. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. All I know is that...I want you in ways that I've never wanted any woman before. I want you in my life, I NEED YOU and am willing to do whatever it takes to have you with me."

Bonnie sat up and gazed at his reflection. Damon was in love with her? How had she not known? Okay, so she noticed all the attention he'd been giving her and how more comfortable they'd gotten to each other and all the flirting he did with her, but she thought he was just being...Damon. She thought that because they were now, somewhat, friends that the flirting and kindness came with who Damon was. She never would have guessed that he'd fallen in love with her.

'If you're watching this video I must be dead and you're angry for me for dropping this bomb on you a little too late. OR we got out of this place and are back home and I've made a complete ass of myself and you don't feel the same way about me,' Damon offered a weak smirk. 'Either way, I can't help how I feel and I can't take back what I've said. I'm in love with you BonBon and if I am being honest with myself...I'm hoping you feel the same way.'


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