Regulus looked overwhelmed and took a deep breath. two years ago he would have dismissed the topic and said he was fine. But if the past couple of years had taught him anything it was that these people, would be there for him no matter what. He loved and trusted them with his whole heart. So with that, he inhaled and muttered

"Greengrass approached me and said that now that my friends and boyfriend were leaving I would be an easy target. A blood traitor like me would be a 'fun kill'."

The whole group was stunned and each member wore a different expression. Griffin had tears in his eyes, Sirius was still processing, and Arabella was seeing red. 

"you're coming with us," Arabella said which caused even more shock

Regulus met her eyes, "w-wha-"

"You're not staying here with those barbarians. I don't give a rat's ass about a job or graduation. You'll live with Griffin, or at the potter manor, or with me and James. We are sure as hell not leaving you"

James perked up when he heard "me and James". He knew he wanted to live with her after graduation. I mean, he wanted to marry her. But hearing her say it, knowing that she wanted it to made his insides melt. 

"I concur. I'll be working as an auror and with the order business, you won't get bored. Please, my love, leave with us. It drives me crazy just thinking about you with them, alone." Griffin pleaded

Regulus thought for a moment before cracking a smile. 

"Yeah alright," Regulus smiled before getting dragged into a hug by Sirius which Griffin and Arabella joined. Then Remus and James, then Peter and Violet, then Liam and Marlene and Dorcas and Lily and Fabian.

"can't. breathe. fatasses" Arabella breathed earning glares from all of them.


Arabella sat with Sirius, Violet, and Griffin in the great hall. They had finished packing and were now eating and chatting away. 

"How's it going with Liam, Vi?" Arabella inquired

"amazing! feels like we're still walking on cloud 9, you know? He just...he makes me feel safe and that's all we can really hope for right?"

"that it is" Sirius confirmed.

Their conversation carried on, exploring future jobs, kids, the war, everything.

"Reckon you'll marry James bels?" Griffin asked

"yeah probably. I mean I want to, don't know if he does though" she said a little sadly

Sirius scoffed, "are you joking Ara? That man has been wanting to marry for two years now"

"he's right you know" Lily suddenly added. The group jumped up in shock and ara placed a hand on her heart

"Jesus Lils, where the fuck did you come from?"

"James is so deeply and utterly in love with you, a blind man could see it," she said ignoring ara

"you know I sometimes wonder why we weren't friends before" Arabella smiled

"I can't believe we weren't friends before. Fuck me and my pettiness" Lily stated

"you were a real bitch lils, but it's ok now, we love you" Violet smiled

"ditto" Arabella added

Forever and longer - James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now