XXXIV - Times Square

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"How did he even . . . ?" Happy breathed, looking back in the mirror. "Remind me to mark him down on our list of security threats. Are you two alright?"

"I feel amazing, like, really good," Peter said, looking down at his hands.

"I'm not going to need stitches anymore," I said, pulling up my red-stained gym shirt. My wound from Apocalypse had finally been healed. If only I had called Cas after that battle.

"Guess I'll take you two home?" Happy said.

"Can we stop at McDonalds?" Peter piped up.

"No," Happy said.

"What? C'mon, we just saved the city," I protested.

"Alright, compromise," Happy sighed. "Subway 'cause I'm watching my weight and I want something too."


Happy had come to a stop at a red light.

"Race you there!" I said, throwing open the car door.

Peter's face lit up as he pulled down his mask over his face and scrambled out of the car after me.

"Hey, no, wait!" Happy called after us.

The light turned green.

With a flap of my wings, I was skyward bound.

From the sky, I watched as Happy reluctantly drove off.

Peter and I flew and flipped through Brooklyn, across the East River, and above Times Square. We were very much ahead of Happy, likely by hours.

The two of us landed on top of building with a Coca-Cola advertisement lighting its face.

Peter fell onto his back laughing. He pulled off his mask.

"What?" I asked with a smile.

"Best Homecoming ever!" he yelled from the rooftop.

"Ha, yeah," I agreed, taking a seat next to him.

Peter sat up. "Hey maybe we should get you a new shirt?"

I looked down at the red stain on Midtown High shirt. "Yeah."

"I'll grab you one," Peter said, pulling his mask back on. "It'll probably say 'I heart New York' or something touristy like that."

"Then I'll turn it backwards and inside out," I laughed.

Peter jumped down into the crowd at Times Square. Immediately, hundreds of cameras flashed towards him. I figured Peter had probably put on his very bad Brooklyn accent as he waded through the people.

He reached a table with vendor spray painting shirts. The man seemed very excited that the Spider-Man was coming over to his table. He held up a shirt with airbrush art of Spider-Man on it. It appeared Peter asked for just a blank shirt. He gave the man money for it then shot up into the air.

All of the phones pointed at him simultaneously turned as Peter disappeared behind the advertisement and landed next to me.

"I got you a plain black shirt from the airbrush guy," Peter said, pulling off his mask. His brown hair had a similar tidiness to a rat's nest. It did however make him look rather cute.

"Thanks," I said, taking the shirt.

Peter turned red for a moment as he turned around to let me change.

I snapped up my talons on the bend of my wings a cut two holes in the back of the shirt the put it on.

"You can look now," I said.

Peter's face seemed to go through a multitude of expressions as his eyes met mine. "Wow, you look, wow," he stammered.

I blushed. "It's just a t-shirt," I smiled shyly. "C'mon," I said, taking by the hand.

Peter pulled his mask down over his face again as we moved closer to the edge of the building. I looked down at the bustling city below us. Before I could take flight once more, Peter stopped me with a gentle hand on my wrist.

He pulled up his mask so just his lips and chin were visible; it never failed to make my stomach flutter.

"What?" I asked quietly.

I was head over heels.

Peter leaned in and kissed me, his hands gently holding my waist. I threw my arms over his shoulders and pulled him in closer.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Peter said just above a whisper, his face inches from mine.

I let out a long sigh of relief. "I'm so glad I didn't have to catch you from falling off a plane."

Peter laughed quietly. "Yeah, yeah," he pulled me in for a hug.

I breathed in his familiar scent.

"Subway?" I asked after a moment.


Peter pulled his mask back down over his lips and we were off once more.

Before Happy was even near Queens, Peter and I had already flown to the school and said hi to Ned and MJ, grabbed May's dress and put away Peter's Spider-Man suit, and changed back into our Homecoming clothes.

Peter pulled out his cell and texted Happy: Subway closed at 9, McDonalds is open all night. We're going to the one on 204th in Queens :)

Happy texted back. I'm going home.

"Happy's not coming," Peter said.

"There's a joke about a 'Happy' meal in there somewhere," I smirked.

Peter laughed. "Wanna bring Ned?" he asked, waiting to text his friend.

"And MJ?" I asked, pulling out my own phone.



Typical Parker Luck - A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now