II - The First Battle

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Something slammed into the side of our car with so much force the vehicle almost rolled onto its top.

I let out an involuntary shriek as adrenaline set in.

Charles turned around in his seat. "Evelyn, are you alright?" he asked quickly.

I nodded, my mind beginning to race at the sight of Hank passed out behind the wheel, most likely knocked unconscious on impact.

"Calm your mind, Eve . . ." Charles said within my head. "Panicking will do you no good."

I didn't listen. I began to unclip my seatbelt then my wings' harness. I kept my wings battened down because it was easier to ride in the car that way.

"Whatever you do," Charles started, "do not leave this car. We're safest in here."

I looked out of the window.

Smoke and debris had begun to fill the air outside.

Many cars around us were on fire.

Emergency vehicle sirens could be heard in the distance.

Grand Central Station was being hammered with otherworldly energy. I realized whomever was attacking was in no way from Earth.

I threw open the battered car door and stepped out onto the street.

"Eve!" Charles shouted. "What're you doing?"

"I have to help!" I said. "This looks like it's a battle for mutants!" I yelled over the chaos. "You still got that handgun in the glove box?"

Charles looked down at the closed compartment then back to me, his eyes begging me to stay. "I don't want to lose you!" protested Charles.

"I know," I said. "But people need help. And the police definitely don't know how to deal with this, whatever this is."

He knew I was right. Reluctantly, Charles opened the glove box and passed me the gun through the shattered car window. Charles stuck his head out of his window. He sighed. Grabbing my hand he said, "Be careful, Eve. I love you."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too. I'll be careful, I promise."

And with that I spread my wings and took off.


Hovering above the smoke from various car fires, I flapped my wings, kicking up dust. I had to get higher. I was making the smoke worse. I landed on a balcony of a building, overlooking the scene. Down below, people were running from the alien creatures.

In the second of calm, I clicked open the gun. Six bullets was all I had.

I cursed under my breath.

Scanning my surroundings, I picked up a rather sharp piece of debris to wield like a sword.

Then, I looked up. A massive blue wormhole swirled above New York, spitting out alien creatures on flying crafts. They appeared to be clad in a strange metal.

Before I could jump into the fray, the sky grew dark. Lighting zapped up the needle on the Chrysler Building.

A golden-haired man in a red billowing cape hung off the needle atop the building, King Kong style, unfazed by the lightening storm around him

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A golden-haired man in a red billowing cape hung off the needle atop the building, King Kong style, unfazed by the lightening storm around him.

A man dressed in all black ran with purpose on the street below me.

He was busy firing arrows at the creatures

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He was busy firing arrows at the creatures. I didn't think a bow and arrow would be very efficient in a battle like this. Well, neither did my handgun. The man with the bow was running out of arrows and I would run out of bullets. Unless he had a backup plan, he was toast.

The aliens were closing in on him fast as more appeared from the wormhole.

I decided to intervene.

I jumped down from the ledge, kicking an alien in the head, then shooting it.

Arrow-guy looked up, confused. His bow was aimed at me, at the ready.

"I'm on your side!" I shouted. Another creature was coming towards him.

He looked at my wings then to my handgun. "Are you one of those Gods?" he asked while taking out another creature.

"Kind of!" I said, slashing another alien with the sharp piece of debris.

"Gonna have to report this," I heard him mumble. He grabbed his intercom and unclipped it from his vest. "Hawkeye to SHIELD, do you copy?"

Hawkeye, real creative.

"Hawkeye, this is Fury, state your problem. Over," blurbed the intercom.

"Yeah . . . I have unexpected backup from a dark-haired female. Has dark, feathered wings, fighting with a 9mm and piece of rebar. Looks to be a teen but she possibly could be another God. Over." said Hawkeye.

"Copy that. We'll try and get eyes on her," the intercom blurbed back.

I did not like the idea of publicity. That was the last thing you wanted as a mutant: for a lot of regular people to know who and where you were and more importantly, that you could use a weapon.

I killed the alien advancing on Hawkeye while he was talking with whomever this "Fury" was, then flew up and out.

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