XVI - New Suit

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In a second, I had gone from having a fun day as a semi-normal teenager, and in the next worrying about the only family I had.

Apocalypse had taken them.

Cairo, Egypt.

"I need to get to Cairo," I said, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"What, why?" said Peter. "That guy on the line said he didn't want you to go. It's gonna be dangerous. The guy's name is Apocalypse."

"They're the only family I have," I said, looking down at the photograph in my hand.

"But how?" Peter said. "You can't fly to Cairo, Eve."

"Maybe I can," I said shakily.

"It'll kill you!" Peter protested, taking me by the shoulders. "You'll be no good to them dead!"

He was right.

"What am I supposed to do?" I began. "Stay here in New York and worry about them? Try and go to school?"

"Didn't that Hank guy say he was getting a team together?" Peter asked.

"Yeah," I sniffed. I had begun crying.

"That mean's he hasn't left yet," said Peter.

My eyes widened in realization. "Thank you!" I kissed Peter's cheek and ran for the window, turning around for a second.

"Tell May I had to raincheck for homework or something!" I called, throwing open the glass pane.

"Sure . . ." Peter trailed off, rubbing the spot where I had kissed him. "Don't die!" Peter yelled after me as I fell to the ground slowly.

"I'll be back!" I shouted up to him from the street. "Two days, tops!"

I flew across the streets of New York, faster than I've ever flown before. My wings were sore from all the activity earlier in the day but still I pressed on.

As I reached closer and closer to my destination, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out quickly, checking desperately to see if it was Charles.

It was Tony Stark.

"Hello?" I answered as casually as I could. I was rather out of breath from all the flying.

"Eve, it's Tony. I got your suit all finished up here if you want to come get it at the new facility. I'm sending you the coordinates now and—why does it sound windy?"

"I'm flying over to you now," I said. Luckily the new Avengers Facility was on the way to Charles' school. "Charles is in trouble and I'm taking the Quinjet to Cairo soon."

"What? What kind of trouble, Avengers kind of trouble?" Tony asked.

"I'd bet on it," I said, landing at the doors of the Avengers facility. "I'm outside."

"That was fast," said Tony opening the door for me as he ended the call. "Sounds like you're in a rush. Should I assemble the team?" he offered seriously.

"Well, there's this mutant named Apocalypse. From what I remember, he's ancient. Crazy powerful, too," I explained. "If you could keep a perimeter . . ."

"Already on it," said Tony, punching a couple buttons on his phone.

I breathed out a shallow sigh of relief. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

Tony handed me the folded black suit and gave me a firm pat on the shoulder. "Well, don't be shy, try it on."

I slipped the sleek black material on over my clothes. Though the suit was dark in color, little bits of silver peeked through as different parts caught the light, much like fish scales. Pressing a hand to my chest just as I had seen Peter do with his suit, I made the suit tighten to fit me.

"You've been hanging out with Parker, I suspect," Tony mumbled. "This thing is gonna keep you from getting really hurt," he explained, pinching the fabric off my arm. "It can absorb those hard hits and mostly deflect cuts and slashes."

"Mostly?" I confirmed anxiously.

"The material is a work in progress, but hey, it's better than nothing. You'll be needing this too." Tony produced a beautiful metal sword and knighted me with it with a small smile.

" Tony produced a beautiful metal sword and knighted me with it with a small smile

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"Thor helped me design this," he explained. "It's made of Vibranium, just like Cap's shield. No more rebar—"

I took the sword and hugged him. "Thank you."

"Stay safe, kid," Tony said, patting my back. "We'll have reinforcements over there soon."

I nodded and with a flap of my dark feathers, I was in the air and on my way to the school. I could only hope Hank hadn't left yet.

Typical Parker Luck - A Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now