XI - Peter

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"Mr. Stark, who's that?" said an unfamiliar voice. 

"Eve, this is Peter, Peter this is Eve," said Tony, pushing the kid into the training room with me.

"Hey," I said, shaking his hand.

"Hey, you're the girl that goes to my school," Peter realized. "The-the Angel of New York, people are calling you!" 

"Yeah, I guess," I said sheepishly. 

"You two are both a part of the 'Stark Internship,'" Tony said, putting up air quotes. "You'll both be receiving suits as a part of this program as well."

Peter looked like he was biting his tongue in excitement. 

"But for me to make your suits, I gotta learn your fighting styles to better program for your fighting styles," Tony explained. "So you two have to spar."

Peter looked at me with nervous brown eyes. 

"Hand to hand or . . . with powers?" he asked Tony.

"With powers," Stark said simply. 

So Peter was a mutant too . . .

"Do not draw blood, if you can help it," Tony added as he closed the door to the training room. "There are motion-capture camera's tracking your movement too." He moved to the window to watch the fight.

I looked up to see how high the ceilings within the training room were. The space was about twenty feet tall, wide, and deep. I could probably get the high ground if I flew.

"Ding, ding, ding," said Stark over the room's intercom.

Peter stood awkwardly waiting for me to make the first move.

I flapped my wings and flew upward quickly, smacking Peter with my feathers on the way up. Peter fell back on his rear on impact. I hovered over him, creating a whirlwind within the room.

Peter shot something from his hand. It suck onto my wings and tangled within my feathers.

I snapped up my retractible talons on the bend of my wings, cutting the string. 

Peter stood and jumped onto the wall, holding on with nothing but the stick of his fingers.

"You're that Spiderman, aren't you?" I said, going to kick him off the wall. 

Peter jumped to the other side of the room. "Yeah, that's me!" He shot out another web, this time it stuck on my arm. I again cut myself free with my talons.

I landed a punch, causing Peter to lose his grip on the wall and fall.

"Oh, sorry!" I said, moving to check on him.

Peter stood and righted himself, raising his fists. He punched forward. I blocked his fist.

I punched forward. Peter went to block my fist in an upward motion but instead it caused my punch to land on his eye rather than his chest.

I put my hands over my mouth in concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, yea," Peter said, putting a hand over his eye. "That one was my bad."

"Alright, alright," Stark said over the intercom. "Sheesh, that was mediocre." 

"Let me see," I said, tilting Peter's chin to let me see his eye. 

It was turning purple. 

I grimaced. "That's gonna leave a mark." 

Tony opened the door. "That's enough for today. Peter, let's go get you some ice." Stark left in the direction of the med-room.

"Look, I'm real sorry," I said. 

"No, no, that one's on me," Peter assured me. "You had the high ground." He laughed to himself then looked back to me. "Sorry—"

"That's from Star Wars, yeah?" I asked.

Peter smiled. "Yeah, yeah it is."

"Well, I think we have the rest of the day off after that," I began. "We could watch a movie?"

"I'm down," Peter said casually, though I could tell he was rather excited. 

"Okay, Spiderman," I smiled, jokingly punching him on the shoulder.

"Okay," Peter answered, a grin spreading across his face. 

Butterflies crept into my chest. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

Typical Parker Luck - A Peter Parker Love StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat