Chapter 6

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Once the fourth and final round was complete, Barbara layer beside Barry in complete bliss as she rubbed her cum filled stomach. Barry lays there panting while he basks in the bliss. Barbara then turned her head to her left and kisses Barry on the cheek. She then said "That felt amazing. I hope to have more sometime. For now, report to Arkham asylum tomorrow morning, you will start at 10:30 in the morning." Barry nodded his head and said "I'll be there, and we will see about having more. Till then, you take care." He then leaned to whisper into her ear and said "And don't go getting yourself hurt, Batwoman." Barbara went completely wide eyed as she got very nervous.

She then said "How did you find out?" Barry then got up and got dressed while he replied "I saw 1 single camera shot of Batwoman, I mapped out her skeletal structure and committed it to memory. Then I did the same thing for a picture of you when you became Police Commissioner. Once I saw that they were a match I burned my findings and kept it a secret. You don't have to worry, I'll keep your secret." Barbara then sighed in relief as she just realized that she has indeed found herself a real keeper. Barry walked towards Barbara and kissed her on the cheek and said "Ive got to get going. Be safe now my dear." Barry walked outside the office and proceeded to walk outside the precinct.

Barbara quickly got dressed and ran towards Barry and said "Please let me give you a ride home." Barry nodded his head and held his arm out to Barbara like a professional gentleman, to which Barbara blushed and accepted, then walked out of the precinct to the car and gave Barry a ride to his apartment.

That night, Barry tossed and turned in his bed. He started to think of what could possibly go wrong on the job and how he can prevent those scenarios from coming to fruition. He was also thinking on how to get the female inmates at Arkham to change their ways. He then started to figure out who to look after first. Then he started to look at his options. He wrote them down and said "Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Killer Frost, and Cheetah. These 6 ladies are dangerous but they can also be harmless if given a positive environment. I think the first woman I'll look after will be either Poison Ivy or Killer Frost. These two, while dangerous on their own due to their powers and capabilities, could still show great promise in being rehabilitated."

Barry then started to work out a plan of action. The first plan he started to work on was Killer Frost. He knew that she is about as cold as ice, if not colder. So he needed to find a way for her to warm up to him. As he thought about ways to get her to warm up to him, his thoughts then took a very sharp turn and became ones of pure lust. He started to think about how she looked in her cell. He then shook his head to clear the thoughts, and to get back to work.

Thinking on what killer frost did for a living before her run in crime, he noticed that she was a scientist, so may be appealing to that logical side of her can help flip her life around. So he started to get to work on making some scenarios that could help her. While working, Barry felt his eyes become heavy. So knowing he has reached his limit, he went to bed and fell asleep.

8 hours later, Barry's alarm goes off on his phone. reaching across his bed and night stand, he hit the snooze button, got up, got dressed in his new work uniform and turned the alarm off, then thought of something. Acting quick, he dialled the one number he knew and that belonged to Bruce Wayne. Hitting the connect button, Barry waited for someone at Wayne Manor to answer. Hearing that the call went through, Barry heard the sound of the butler of the residence, Alicia Pennyworth.

Alicia answers "Wayne residence, how may I help you?" Barry replied "hey Alicia, It's Barry, I was wondering if you would be able to drive me to work today. I don't have my own vehicle yet." Alicia smiled and replied "I'm on my way Master Barry, hang tight." Alicia ended the call and went to Bruce. Alicia then said "master Wayne, young master Barry has asked me to give him a ride to work, since he doesn't yet have a vehicle himself." Bruce smiled and said "I'll buy him a car after his shift. I'll pick him up and drive him to the dealer so that way he can pick out a vehicle for himself."

Alicia responded "very kind of you master Wayne, please excuse me for I have a ride to give someone." Bruce nodded his head and said "hey Alicia, one more thing before you go." Bruce walked up to Alicia and handed her a wad of cash. Bruce then said "This is for Barry, its $50,000." Alicia went wide eye at the generosity of Bruce and said "Why so much master Wayne?" Bruce then replied saying "I want him to be able to afford the stuff he needs to live here in Gotham. Also, when you return, please have one of the guest rooms prepared and on standby, just in case he can't afford his apartment anymore and if he needs a place to stay."

Alicia then said "Very kind of you master Wayne, I'll get right to it upon my return." Alicia then left and got into the luxury Lincoln Presidential town car, plugged the key into the ignition, turned the key, and the car roared to life. She put the car into reverse, backed out of the garage, turned to the right, and then put the car into drive. She then started her drive to Barry's address.

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