1 problem less

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The gang still was feeling worried about Chase as they were heading to school once again. It's been 2 days since he ended up in hospital and he was still in coma. Still, they also had their problems. Bullies turned into somethig worse: almost murders. Every time when they saw the gang, one of them was shotuing about sudden death. Nobody could feel safe, so Mr.Skye decided to send daily security from police. Luckily, bullies didn't know about Chases situation and were thinking that he got very afraid, so they promised to each other that every time after school, they will go to find Chase, hiding carefully from police. One positive thing was fact, that students helped the gang by giving some fruits for Chase and they were talking about him, so bullies won't heard them and it went for 4 more days. Unfortunatelly, one day, bullies finally found out about that. 

It was warm, cloudy day. In Adventure Bay high, all students were having a break. Marshall and Rubble were walking through corridor as they were talking about summer hoildays, especially their birthdays. Suddenly, Rubble went sad after he answered to Marshall about his birthday plan.

Marshall: What's wrong?

Rubble: When do you think Chase has his birthday?

Marshall: Ehhhh, I don't know.

Rubble: That's it. Nobody knows, and probaly, even Chase himself.

Marshall: Oh... I got it buddy. Well, we need to ask about that.

Rubble: What about that he never celebrated his birthday?

Marshall: Jesus Rubble! You're damn right! Ok, I'll tell Skye about it, so she can talk with Chase about it when he wakes up.

Rubble: Yep, that'll be good (smells something). Yuuuck! It smells horrible there.

Marshall (smells something): Owwww, yep! It feels like chemicals or something!

Rubble: Maybe it's in lockers? This smell... I'll barely breathing after that smell.

Marshall (looks at lockers): I should've guess! 

Marshall went quickly to Trevors locker and looked carefully through to find oranges which were smelling like washing item. He also found note "To Chase! Get well soon".

Marshall: Rubble, call the police! Looks like bullies again planned to kill Chase!

Lamar: To late punk!!!

Marshall turned to sound and saw all bullies, Lamar was holding bat and Freddy was holding knife. Their faces were showing maniacal satisfaction and knowing that he won't stand a chance against bat and knife together, Marshall backed off to Rubble.

John: We told you, do NOT stop us on killing Chase!!

Marshall: Still he didn't do nothing to you idiots!!

Jack: But you and not only you did!!! You helped that useless mutt!!

Marshall: Because he's a teenager, just like you, but doesn't want to make fun of the others!! He wants support!!

Freddy: Anyway, you pushed your nose to place you shouldn't and that's what you'll get!

Freddy pounced on Rubble with kinfe, but Marshall managed to hold the arm with kinfe in it. Then police security arrived behind bullies.

Policeman #1: Bullies!! Put your cold weapons down, arms behind your back, lay on your belly, now!!

Luckily, the amount of policemen was bigger than amount of bullies, so bullies obeyed commands and 3 minutes later, a police convoy drove from school to prison. Marshall and Rubble couldn't believe it. They defeated bullies forever. Then Mr.Skye arrived.

Mr.Skye: Well, well done boys! You helped me to test a special "antibullying" system. And it worked.

Marshall and Rubble: Really?! Nice!!

Mr.Skye: I know. Well, you should go to your class. The lesson is starting in 1 minute.

Chapter done!! Hope you will like it! The dialogue between Marshall and Rubble will be a 'tip', if you want to guess the topic of new chapter. See you soon and stay safe ))))) AND HAPPY SUMMER!!!

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