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"Never would I have thought that my wife is such an excellent archer." Gavriel's proud and gentle voice echoed, but Evie didn't move to even glance at him. She simply stood there, tensed, as her heart suddenly began to thud fast inside her rib cage.

She could hear the maids and Elias greeting him. She knew that courtesy required her to offer him her greetings too. But Evie was utterly overwhelmed with the emotions that were surging tempestuously inside of her – the anger, the homesickness and the… unwanted feelings that blazed even stronger in his presence. Why? Why was she feeling like this? What did he do to her that his mere presence could shake her to her core?

Slowly, Evie steeled herself and when she turned towards him, he smiled at her. She stiffened at the sight of that heartbreaking smile that haunted her since last night and then the whole day too.

Rigid, Evie didn't move nor said anything. She couldn't. But when he took a step towards her, she took a step back automatically even before she realized she had done so.

The prince's brows creased slightly, and his smile faded at her reaction. However, he still continued stepping closer to her. This time, she managed to root her feet to the ground and stood firm. Uncontrollably, her heart hammered even faster inside her, and she found herself growing more nervous. Her body just kept reacting in a way that she neither recognised nor like.

But he stopped just three steps short of reaching her as if he had sensed someone's presence. Levy landed behind him, causing him to turn away from Evie.

"What is it?" he asked in a quiet tone, returning his gaze back to Evie again.

"Your Highness, General Alcan and his daughter are here." Levy said and Gavriel seemed a little surprised.

It was silent for a moment, but Evie felt like a secret conversation was going on between the men that the rest of them are not privy to.
When Gavriel faced her again, he looked at her practice target. "I think you've played enough, wife. You should have a rest now. I'll see you again at dinner."

After saying those, Gavriel immediately left. A general visiting the prince's castle at this hour… if they were humans, this hour was considered near dawn. That General Alcan must be a very important guest to cause Gavriel to leave in such a haste, she thought.

Letting out a sigh, Evie silently faced her target again. She was so nervous when he was here but when he left, she almost called out and said 'wait'. Gripping her bow, Evie picked up another arrow and then took a stabling deep breath.

"Is…" she started. "Is General Alcan an important ally of His highness?" she asked and the maids' silence made Evie stop her shot and glanced at them over her shoulder.

"No milady. The truth is…" Fray paused hesitantly. "General Alcan is known to be the emperor's most loyal subordinate. He's Lady Thea's father."

Evie's eyes widened and quickly, she hid her face from them. Again, she felt her pulse beating at a furious tempo just like before Gavriel arrived. Only this time, it was far graver. She was glad she wasn't facing them because she could no longer keep her face serene.

"Sir Levy said he's with his daughter. He only has one daughter and that's lady Thea, right?" Fray said to Gina in a soft voice.

"Oh no, could it be that he's here to insist on His Highness marrying his daughter?" Gina replied.

"But the general is loyal to the emperor –"

"What if the general swear his loyalty to prince Gavriel now once His Highness marries his daughter?"

"Oh my, now that you mention it… that is possible, His Highness really needs an ally after all –"

Suddenly, the maids gasped as they looked at Evie. Their faces were apologetic and worried. They tend to gossip like this all the time before their lady arrived that they had forgotten their lady was with them and could hear them discussing it clearly.

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