"You know I just ran up the board and then jumped right in... It was so fun! 16 ft. can you imagine."

Nandini chuckled at her six year old son as she pulled him into her lap,
Nandini: Well done my brave boy. I am proud of you! 

She saw Manik entering the room as Atharva continued his ranting,
Atharva: You should have been there... It was so high, but I didn't get scared at all. I went up there and dived in. Right Dad?

Nandini caught the smile on Manik's face as he nodded,
Manik: Of Course champ... It was amazing!

Nandini smiled brightly at them, while Atharva moved on turning to face Nyonika and went into an animated version of his story explaining everything to them. 

Nandini: Okay okay... Why don't you two get freshened up before we all sit downstairs and listen to your swimming stories along with some food. I am sure you must be hungry.

Atharva: Are there any sandwiches?
Atharva asked looking up excitedly at Nandini, making her chuckle.

Nandini: Yes... But first bath!

He jumped off her lap and rushed out of their room as Nandini turned towards Manik with her eyes raised,
Nandini: How long was he standing on the diving board before finally jumping?

Manik: Almost 18 minutes... 10 of them literally in tears!
Manik replied with a sigh making both Nandini and Nyonika laugh.

Manik: I'll just go freshen up!
He said to them and walked towards the washroom after leaving his stuff on the side table. Just as he closed the door shut behind him, Nandini saw her little angel cooing softly in her sleep. A smile crept onto Nandini's face as she leaned closer towards her daughter and caressed her face.

Nandini: Mansi.... Wakey wakey!

The little girl moved her arms in the air looking for Nandini, with her eyes still closed as nandini held her hands in hers and bobbed her nose softly making the girl open up her eyes.

As the girl found her Mother's face smiling down at her, a dazzling smile came onto her face making Nandini and Nyonika swoon instantly. It always surprised Nandini, how her daughter always woke up so Happy, she was just like Manik in this trait, while Atharva was more like Nandini in this as he too woke up cranky and whining.

Nyonika: Did my little doll have a nice sleep?

Mansi giggled out loudly at her words before nodding softly as Nandini pulled her up in a sitting position.

Nandini: That's amazing... Now time to fill in our tummy. You hungry!

Mansi: Yesh...
Mansi said nodding enthusiastically making Nandini chuckle.

Nandini: But first you need to get all pretty right? So we will change clothes and then go downstairs...

Nyonika: Nandini, You carry on clear this up, I'll get her changed...
Nyonika said smiling at Mansi as Nandini nodded and got up. She handed Nyonika a cute little dress for Mansi as she proceeded to clear off all the stuff around her related to the party that she was planning.

Just as Nyonika finished dressing up Mansi, Nandini heard her chip happily.
Mansi: Daddy...

Nandini saw her daughter smiling broadly at Manik's watch and wallet that was kept at the side table, which of course her daughter recognized well enough. Willing to give Manik a few minutes to himself after his bath, Nandini tried to turn her attention elsewhere,
Nandini: Daddy is waiting downstairs baby... Come on, let's go see him!

But this little was too smart for her age as she slid down Nyonika's lap and onto the ground before  wobbling towards the side table where she picked up Manik's watch and showed it to Nandini.

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