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Chelsea •

Its the next day and I'm just now getting back to Louisiana .

Stopping at the gas station I got some more gas and a cup of ice because it is so damn hot .

Getting back into my car I heard
My phone ding so I looked at it .

Amir 🌚🥰

I see you back, stop by I miss you


The trap!

I rolled my eyes and closed
My Phone , last time I saw Amir he sent my location to himself so he could see where I was at all times unless I turn it off .

I really don't care but when I asked him to share his location with me he gave a real quick no.

Pulling up to the trap I mugged seeing that it was people outside and shit .

"You fine as fuck who you here for?" Some guy with yellow ass teeth spoke as i walked up .

"Yo mouth look disgusting brush yo fucking teeth sometimes" I spoke .

I didn't even mean to be rude it just came out , I'm starting to take after zariah , ebony and Mariah.

I've been out here for too long I'm turning into them.

He laughed "I'll rip all that pretty ass hair out yo scalp bitch don't play with me"

My eyes widened cuz he didn't have to violate me like that.

"Woah woah Wayne why you talking to my girl like that?" Amir spoke coming out .

His girl ?

He know ima take that and run with it he shouldn't have said that .

I'm his girl ? Does that mean we're dating ? Or that he likes me now ?

"The bitch started with me first" he spoke .

Amir grabbed my hand and we walked into the house then to the livingroom .

He sat down first then I sat down on his lap because I refuse to sit on his dirty ass couch .

Hearing a familiar voice i looked up seeing Mariah and Anthony coming downstairs, she was fixing her lace front and he was buttoning up his pants .

She didn't even look up to see me , Anthony walked her out then soon came back and sat down on the couch smiling from ear to ear.

"Why yo hair always all over the place?" Anthony asked looking at me .

"That's the style I want it in" I spoke mugging him .

"Lemme see what it looks like in a ponytail or something" he spoke .

I was bored and Amir wasn't talking about shit so I decided to entertain Anthony.

I used my rubberband to put my hair in a ponytail to show him . "It looks better down" he spoke causing me to roll my eyes .

"Wait hold on" Amir spoke as he sat up with me on his lap still .

He moved my head to look at my neck then turned his flash on his phone .

Remembering yesterday I quickly got off his lap and took my hair back out the puff ball .

"Bitch don't play with me" he spoke.

I didn't even check my neck after Kyle , if I would have I definitely would not have got caught slipping .

This is why being sneaky / fucking with two people ain't for me and I'll never do it because I'm not slick enough to pull it off .

"I burned my neck flat ironing my hair" i spoke .

"But your hair is curly" Anthony added . I cut my eyes at him and he laughed .

Amir started walking towards me so I started backing up.

He chased me around the livingroom for a good 3 minutes before catching me , and not a fun chase either it was more of a scared for my life chase .

He held me down and moved my hair out the way , he flashed his light on me then moved my shirt down seeing more little red marks on my light skin .

After seeing all he needed he see he pushed me down to the floor and chuckled "I knew not to trust you.. I knew you was a whore" he spoke .

I quickly stood back up because no telling what's on this floor I wasn't going to stay down there for long .

"Them bitches from texas do be thots tho" Anthony added.

That kinda hurted me tho, cuz it's like why would you think that of me - in my Kodak voice .

"I'm a whore?" I asked Amir as I stood a good distance from him, not trying to get hit or pushed again.

He laughed "I'm so glad I'm not tied to you for 18 years - you're done I'm not fucking with you no more"

Standing there stuck my eyes started to water , not him throwing me having an abortion out like that .

"Youre talking like you've been a fucking saint to me, you act like I annoy you and that you don't want to be around me every time we link , then you brung a bitch to my job purposely to hurt my feelings , you know what? Fuck you and I'm glad I'm not tied to your ass either you'd probably be a dead beat anyways"

After saying that I left , I made sure to bump Wayne yellow teeth ass in my process of leaving too .

What Amir said did hurt my feelings tho .

Men can't handle what they dish out , it was coo for him to talk to other bitches but when I do it it's a problem and I'm a hoe now ?

I got in my car and sped off , not caring about my seat belt , the speed limits , red lights or other cars . I just kept driving .

Whatever happens , happens .

Not Anthony instigating 😂🤝.

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