"You got a point. I don't know how I'd feel about dating as a stripper. I bet that's hard..." Eunhyuk rubbed his chin in thought. Somehow he's never thought about that before until now. It's good for him to think out his backup plan more thoroughly. There was nothing wrong with being a stripper. If Eunhyuk ends up liking it then you'll support him!

"You can't share me?" Hoseok raised a brow at this. You looked back over at him as you crossed one leg over the other. Hoseok almost regretted asking that as he swallowed hard.

"I already told you! I'll have to fight off all the girls who try to lay their hands on you." You pouted.

"Don't forget the men who will be after him too," Eunhyuk advised as you gasped softly. He's right! You nodded right away meanwhile Hoseok shook his head. He couldn't believe a single thing he was hearing. This was all too much to take in and he didn't know where to start.

"No one is after me—" Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"He's so blind to his looks. Can you believe him?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. Eunhyuk sighed hopelessly as he stared at Hoseok. The two of you were at a loss for words when it came to Hoseok. He was so blind to every single charm he possessed. Not just his appearance. Jung Hoseok is literally a dangerous man walking and he can't even see that! Luckily Eunhyuk understood where you were coming from, clicking his tongue in disappointment at the younger.

"Well, I guess it's better than him being a narcissist." Eunhyuk shrugged, continuing to move clothes on the rack.

"Ew, why are you making all the ugly patterned shirts go together?" You scrunched your nose up. No wonder it was such a mess before! The sight was nauseating to you and Eunhyuk had the nerve to be confused. "You put a floral pattern next to cheetah print! That's disgusting!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a fashion major. How am I supposed to know this?" Eunhyuk grumbled, acting like a dog with its tail between its legs. Eunhyuk's ears were pink as he carefully changed the pattern section of the rack. You were watching with judgmental eyes so one wrong move and you'd tear into him. Overall, the sight was comical to Hoseok. From picking on Hoseok to complaining about clothes, it was hard to keep up.

Hoseok had officially given up in trying to join the conversation. The two of you were completely crazy in his head. But maybe it was his fault for taking the things you both said so seriously. It was impossible not to since you said it with a straight face. Then again, Eunhyuk was also joining you in this weird argument. That only left Hoseok frustrated and confused. He wanted to pluck his hair out though he really didn't think he could pull off a bald look. It was better to tolerate this chaos of his worlds colliding. After all, it wasn't so bad when he really thought about it.

You looked happy in his eyes and you were! For the first time you were getting to know someone. Hoseok and you were becoming close friends. You spent time with him outside of class, the two of you texted each other often, you met his mom and have been inside his home. Not to mention, you know where he works and you're currently befriending his coworker. Hoseok may have displayed a lot of distaste of the situation on the outside, but he was actually happy himself. You would come do your class assignments at the thrift store while he worked. The two of you spent more time together and you didn't have to go back to your awful estate too soon.

Being around Hoseok made you happier than words could describe. Why would you want to go home? You were so much happier spending time with him like this. He may not be able to talk and play around with you since he still had to work, but it was nice for the both of you. Hoseok at least had you in his sight. If you were with him then he knew you were safe. You weren't in a potentially dangerous situation with your family or fiancé. Allowing you to stay at the thrift store wasn't too much trouble anyway. Hardly anyone came in and you were safe. That was what was important to Hoseok.

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