72 - Kacchan versus Deku

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Midoriya clenched his fists and remembered his mentors words. "Luckily Bakugo seemed to think you were pulling his leg, i can forgive you this time but please don't tell another soul." That was before (Y/n) found out and pinned him to the tree, "So you're not denying it? That how it is? You jerk." When he said we had to talk about my quirk, i had a feeling...i deserved it for blabbing back then. I should've listened to (L/n)-chan. "If i tell you, what then?" He looked up to his one-sided childhood friend, he didn't say anything.

"You also look up to All Might..." It was going to take a lot of guts for Bakugo to say the next thing he was going to admit. "And you also look up to (L/n), hm? Ain't that right? So here i got this punk i thought was a pebble in my path all of a sudden gets recognized by the guy i admire...and gets special attention from the girl that i can't even look at in the eye. Which is why..." He could admit it was satisfactory to see her ignore Deku. "...we're gonna fight, here, now!" The green haired boys eyes widened, "Why?!" He questioned dumbly.

"Huh?! Wait, why's it have to be like that?! I mean we're not even s'posed to be out here to begin with! At the very least we could go spar in the tr-training room! There's no reason it has to be now!" He tried to reason, "If we fight out here—nobody can stop us, you gotta show me what it is about you that made All Might wanna bring you this far and for (L/n) to train you." The red eyed boys face scrunched up a bit, "And if it turned out your way of looking up to them has been right all the time—that means i was doing it all wrong."

"Kacchan.." No matter how bad it looked, All Might would always win in the end. No matter how bad it looked, he would always save people with a smile. "Better get ready if ya' don't wanna get hurt." Bakugo stretched his arms, "You're all about kicking now, right? Like (L/n)?" He took a step forward, the green eyed boy stuck his hands out. "W-Wait! We can't do this!" Bakugo ignored his pleaded and dashed towards the boy he despised. "Kacchan?" His right..! No! That's how i got him before! So, that right is a feint...

The explosion hit him head on, "Yowch..!" Midoriya zipped out with the use of One For All, partly dodging. "You think too much y'know. Come at me!!" He shouted, "Come on, please, Kacchan!" The other pleaded, again, not wanting to fight. "How do you think we should go on about this Toshi? I mean, i know they're head over heels for me but come on." (Y/n) sarcastically flicked a piece of her hair back and placed her other hand on her hip with a stoic expression—she then lifted her chin with the back of her fingers, the jackets sleeves were longer than her arms.

He deadpanned at her sparkly background and pose, "Just...let's go." She begrudgingly got out of her pose and frowned, "No way~! I don't want to see him right now! Do i have to go with you? He's going to nag me, don't make me go All Might!" She tugged on his shirt with comical tear streams running down her face, the blonde sighed and pat her head. "Wait here then, don't get hurt—young Bakugo isn't holding back so the training grounds are sure to be destroyed. I won't say anything if he asks me about you, be careful."

He tapped her forehead making her face scrunch up, "Yeah okay, thank you, All Might." He continued walking and she bent her knees in a stance—then jumped upwards and landing on one of the buildings rooftops. He was always trailing behind me, a memory of Midoriya sticking his hand out towards Bakugo flashed through the latters mind. No matter how many times i knocked him down...he always had his eyes glued to my back. "No running! Fight me!" (Y/n) stood on the ledge of the building, hiding her presence.

And we looked up to the same guy...then her. It was always something with her, i hate her so much. Making me feel feelings i don't like, self conscious, nervous—like shit. I hate her and her shitty self when she let herself die. He looked up to her like i did too. So how? She watched as the ash blonde delivered a nasty kick to the green haired boys chin, 'Ouch, i know that one hurt.' She grimaced at the audible crack. He launched at him again, Midoriya did a backwards flip—mimicking (Y/n)s fighting style.

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