Chapter 4- Caught

Start from the beginning

"My feelings do not matter nor do the past they are your mates Mia and you will be putting yourself through a lot of pain running from it and some of them are innocent compared to Clint or Nat" Wade sighs and Jack nods agreeing with his mate. "He is right hun you will be damaging your body by leaving now, now you have met one of them your life will shorten if you do not reject or accept them" he says worried bringing me into a hug as I let out a big sigh "but if I reject them then I run the risk of hurting them"

The problem with rejecting is the pain is supposed to feel worse than death and some who have been rejected have died but these were the Avengers who I am sure could survive it but the idea of hurting any of my mates was making my marks burn and I wondered if I could survive being rejected back and by so many too.

Wade swears hitting the wall "this is my fault I promised to keep you safe and I didn't" he says hating himself for this "no you saved me that day from the fire, you made sure they could not hurt me again" I tell him but he does not meet eye contact with me. "You were against spying on Parker and I made you go anyways knowing he might know Clint and Natasha it is my fault" he says.

"Baby come on none of us could have known that she would be recognized or be his mate" Ethan says pulling Wade in and I feel guilty.

How could I ever be with them after Nat and Clint hurt me so bad? "How could I trust any of them if they live with Nat and Clint?" I ask the three of them "I know your scared but you are going to be in so much pain and just because the two hurt you dont mean the others will" Jack says. I knew he was right but how would I be able to be happy with the others knowing they love the two and how can I be happy with Stark who hurt Wade?

"I will risk it the pain" I tell him "no you need to really think about this bunny" Wade tells me in a serious tone which was rare for him. Wade was frustrated not sure what to do, he loved Mia with all his heart but he knew the risks if she ignores the bonds but he also understood why she couldn't face rejecting them.

He had hoped better for her that some of the other marks would lead her to people away from the dangerous life maybe mates the two would not share with her or at the very least she would meet them first.

"I think we should do the original plan and stay low for a while at least until Mia comes up with her decision having more time to think of in, stressing her out about the bond while it is still hurting her isn't going to let her have a clear mind" Ethan says and the others nod but then things become worse.

A lot worse.

"Erm guys..I feel three of the marks" I whimper in pain knowing they were close and using the bonds of pain to track me "god damnit Fury" Wade grumbles putting on his masks and grabbing guns passing them to two of his mates and I reach getting my own placing my thigh traps to my skin hating how I did not have time to get dressed in combat clothing neither did Ethan or Jack.

Ethan does my suitcase up quickly grabbing it off the bed, the car was already packed with the stuff they needed. Wade grabs my hand pulling me behind him downstairs. The front door then gets broken into and the pain on three of my marks intensify "there is only three but I can feel the others are near" I tell Wade in a whisper of pain who pulls me back up the stairs quickly into my room and jumps out of the window protecting me as we fall while Jack flew Ethan down.

My suitcase flying down with Ethan.

We begin to run down the ally way next to the house to get to the front of the house but someone was waiting there just in case. I look at the guy as he looked to be about my age sliver hair bright blue eyes and he smirks at me seeing me checking him out he was beautiful. My blue bolt begins burning on the back of my neck and I knew he felt it too as he steps forward looking me up and down "move please" I say to him and he turns his head slowly clicking it and he sees the men next to me. "There no escaping Princessa-" Wade does not let him finish as he begins fighting him flying him away down the street "Peter help him!" a voice says that I knew all too well to the guy who wore a red suit, I guess Peter was Spiderman all along then.

Spiderman looks at me one last time before running off after Wade and the guy I recognise as quick-sliver.

"Mia" Nat says shocked seeing me but she hid her emotion quickly seeing I was not alone after all this is what she had been trained to do. Hurt hits my red spider mark on my ankle feeling her through my mark but I could not think of her hurt right now. I knew if we get caught the guys will be in serious trouble and I could not let that happen. Nat is one of the best combat fighters in Shield so I know by the time we finish here the others will be here and there is no way we could face them all.

"You guys need to go and get Wade he can't face them both alone" I tell Jack and Ethan "not without you" they both say protectively which seem to anger Nat as she looks at them jealous.

"The rest of them are close, take the car and get out of here if not Wade will also be in trouble you all will" I whimper a little pain as the marks begin getting worse and I see this concerend Nat "they won't hurt me but you guys cant be caught like this, you haven't got all your stuff to battle so we can't take them all but you three can escape if you hurry"

The two men look at each other not wanting to leave Mia behind no matter what, but they could feel Wade was in trouble. Wade was battling a battle where he could not kill the others because of Mia but Peter and Petrio weren't holding back and they knew even if their mate was immortal they did not want to see him hurt or caught by Shield.

"We will come back for you" Ethan places a quick kiss on my head as Jack quickly side hugged me kissing me on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't count on it" Nat says jealous once again running towards them as they try to run past I lift up my hand letting my bracelets melt into my fire line which shoots out as I wrap it around her suddenly pulling her towards me as I push her into the wall giving the two enough time to run in the car and drive of towards Wade then I let her go not wanting to hurt her with the flame but as I try to walk off I feel her stop me.

"Where the hell have you been!" Nat snaps gripping my shoulders tightly she pushes me into the wall behind me looking me over and taking me in. "Dont touch me!"I snap pushing her away but then I fall feeling the pains of my mates were too close I hoped now they had me they would let the Wilsons go "Mia what the hell going on?" Nat pleads. If I had enough strength I would have let out a sarcastic comment or a smirk but I couldn't even raise an eyebrow.

"Nat?" the male from earlier with sliver hair comes back within a second like a flash "the three men escaped and-"

"Why hello there Princessa" he says looking relieved seeing me but then stop as I let out a cry "she is still not accepting it" Peter says coming down and then he pulls off his mask looking at me worried "I-I-I-I" I try to say tripping Nat onto the ground "will never accept you" I say standing up ready to try and leg it facing the agony but the sliver hair boy moves to me so quick I dont have a second to consider his moves as he held my wrists above my head my heart beats rapidly his touch like heaven stopping the burning from his mark "why do you try to run?" he asks hurt trying to look into my eyes but I avoid them. My whole body wanted to lean into him and hug him but I fight to bond.

"You know we would never hurt you right?" Peter asks walking closer but stopping at a distance as I give him a look "yes why will you not accept the bond?" 3 of my other marks begin to burn as Tony Stark followed by the Winter Soldier and Captain America came into the ally way and my tears begin to fall as the pain was making me dizzy I close my eyes trying to concentrate on fighting the pain.

"Mia!" I recognised the voice as Clint as he runs over pushing Pietro of me he hugs me and begins to cry into my shoulder pulling me to him, his touch helping with the pain a little "she not accepting" Peter explains "what happened?" Clint pulls back grabbing my face looking at me and I knew I could not ignore it anymore the pain far too great.

"Please Mia what happened?" Clint begged again shifting his eyes all over me as his hands held warmth over my face if I was stronger I would have head-butted him for holding my face but I was to weak.

"I found out about Laura" I glare with my little bit of strength length but then I feel myself pass out.

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