"Well... That's... I still don't forgive you." My mom said, trying to regain her anger she had from before, but not quite reaching it. "If you ever, ever hurt him again in any way so help me Harry Edward Styles it will be the last time you breathe without assistance." Harry gulped awkwardly, but nodded.



I got out of my car and walked over to the other side, opening Louis' door for him, giving a bow. He chuckled.

"Why thank you good sir." He said, pecking me on the cheek. I blushed, grinning wide. 

"Anything for you." I answered. I looked at my watch. "Anything for you...starting at lunch? I have to go talk to the coach real quick. That okay?"

"Of course silly- go, I'll talk to later!" He smiled, his brilliant eyes making me snatch for a wisp of air, but all I can do is stand there stupidly half hyperventilating. Why was he so amazing? I didn't deserve him in any way. Never have, never will, but I won't give up.


"Harry! Get the hell up!" Someone said, pushing my hand, I just opened my eyes as my elbow slid on the smooth surface of my desk and my face smashed into my papers laying on it. I groaned.

"ow..." I said, rubbing my now red nose. The person who had woken me up snickered, leaving class. I appreciate the help, but I wish they could have been smoother about it. 

I instantly perked up when I realized the time. It was lunch! As hungry as I was, I was even hungrier to see Louis- cheesy, I know- but true. I grabbed all my stupid school shit and threw it in my backpack without a second thought, rushing to get out the door- I hope he wasn't waiting for me, I hope I haven't been out long- I didn't want to miss a second I had to spare with him during school hours.

I saw him putting his books in his locker like normal people do (I'm too lazy so I just keep it all with me), and I felt a surge of warmth rush through me. He was my Louis. I could kiss him, love him, be with him whenever I wanted- he was mine and I was his. I smiled wide, looking like an idiot still halfway down the hall from him. 

Then I saw Zayn and Liam come out of nowher, slamming Louis into the row of lockers. I saw him flinch, groaning. No. Shit. What do I do?

The answer was obvious- get my ass over there and stop them. But I realized I'd never thought this part through- why hadn't it occured to me that everything at school would change now. How stupid could I be. If I rush over there and protect him, my rep...right out the window. If I go one step further and tell my mates that I loved Louis, I'd probably end up getting my ass kicked alongside Louis for the rest of the year. I didn't want that.

There I go being selfish again. I could hear Liam shouting at my Loubear as I got closer, and I flinched at the harsh words- how had I been okay with that? How  could I even act like I still was?! How could I even think that? What was wrong with me?! I was disgusting. 

I finally made my way over to him, and when Louis saw my face a couple emotions flitted through his amazing face in seconds, almost too quick to pick up.

First there was happiness, I'm guessing at seeing me, which made me feel even more guilty when I remembered my thoughts a few seconds ago. Would I go through with that? 

Then came the confusion, at my own expression, maybe even wondering what I was about to do.

Then there was sadness, because my face must look stone cold, and he was expecting me to revert back to the old. 

A flash of deep hurt crossed his eyes, but then he looked up at me with this calm face, and gave a barely perceptible nod- as if telling me it was alright, he understood.

NO. IT WAS NOT ALRIGHT. I almost punched him just for thinking like that. All inkling of confusion evaporated the instant I saw what he was willing to go through for me on a daily basis, and I couldn't even be bothered to be honest to my friends? I was pathetic.

"Perfect timing mate!" Zayn said, balling up his fists and getting ready.  I put my arm up to stop him, and he looked over at me, hesistant, confused. 

"I got this." I said quietly, prepping myself. " From now on, I'm the only one allowed to touch Louis, got it?" I asked/told. They nodded, confused, looking at me and Louis weirdly. 

"Yeah...whatever..." Liam said, shrugging. 

"Good." I said. Louis looked up at me with his big blue eyes, and I couldn't help myself- I grabbed both sides of his jaw and kissed him deeply, right in th middle of the hall full of people.

All staring at us.

How invigorating- and saves all the troulble of rumours- that's about as open and honest as one can get in such awkward situations. Once that was done, I turned, leaving Louis looking around awkwardly petrified, so I could see the reactions of my two best mates.

Both Liam and Zayn looked...stunned. At a complete loss for words. They looked over at each other quickly, seeming to say something with just thier eyes, before Zayn reached into his pocket, pulling a  twenty out. I didn't understand, until Liam held his hand out.

"I totally won that bet. Called it from the start! Booyah!" Liam whooped, fist bumping while Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Zayn turned his attention to me. He gave me a huge hug, whispering in my ear. "I'm happy for you. And for me- I was tired of hurting him."  I smiled sadly. 

"I'm sorry." I said, to no one in particular, but meaning it towards everyone. The people in the hallways that had stood there watching that walked off slowly, different reactions from everyone- not that I cared really. Liam and Zayn, the only two I cared about, seemed fine with it, which is all that mattered. I loved these guys. 

I turned back to Louis, who was blushing such a deep red I started laughing at his cuteness. 

"I love you, you know that?" I told him, wrapping my arm around his waist and leading him down the hallway towards the exit, Liam and Zayn in tow. Louis laughed, snuggling closer.

"I love you too."


s.h.i.t.t.y. chapter, ino :S next chapter I am looking forward too definitely xD :D only like one more chap and an epilogue by the way.... 0,0 vote comment inbox -anything! :P

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