Episode 3

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Izuku starts to sweat and pant while begging Todoroki to let him go inside. But he ignores him and just taps his foot on the grass. Even though Izuku really wants to go inside he's too scared to try, because he believed that Todoroki might become violent and hit him.

He thought to himself- *There's really nothing I can do but use the bathroom in the bushes.*

Deku's POV-

"I beg and plead for Todo to let me inside but he pretends to not hear anything."

After about 10 minutes Izuku could take it anymore.

*Eventually, I couldn't hold it in anymore and I shit myself in the bushes.*

"Ughhhhh, this is so embarrassing what if someone came back here and saw me?"

Todoroki's POV-

"This little shit is gonna pay for what he did!" Even if someone came back here and sees us, I still wouldn't care because he fucking deserves it!"

"After all I did for him, he still doesn't appreciate the fact that I don't like being woken up."

*cries* Deku-" Why do you have to do this to me?" What have I ever done to you?"

*When he said that I felt anger filling me up and I slapped him across the face, leaving a purple mark*

"Shut the fuck up, you fucking cry baby!" You get me so pissed off!" I swear, I'm fucking done with you!"

Deku's POV-

*I don't want him to leave me! I can't allow him to leave! I love him too much to let him go!*

Todoroki knowing Izuku will stop him starts to head to his car.

Deku- "N-no please don't leave! I-I'll make your favorite dinner and I brought you those flowers you like!?"

"Please, please don't go, I need you here with me!"

No One's POV-

And with that remark from Izuku, a smile started to form on Todoroki's face because he knew that Izuku needed him. And that if he left he would be broken inside.

Todoroki liked the feeling of being wanted and needed. Especially because ever since he was younger his father never cared about him and it always made him feel alone and not wanted.

Todoroki- "Ok babe. Alright." I'm sorry. Let's just get you cleaned up."

Todoroki started to feel bad for Izuku because although he was upset, he still loved him and wanted him to be by his side.

My Sons Teacher (Baku Deku)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin