Monday Morning

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A/N: BTW I just want to let you guys know Deku is 25 years old, Todoroki is 27, and Bakugo is 26 as well. Deku and Todoroki's son is 12.

You Pronounce his name Itsuski- It's- sue- skiii

Also, this is my first FanFict so let me know what you guys think about it!

It was an early Monday Morning as Izuku was heading to wake up his son Itsuski. Although Izuku was really tired, he had made it his goal to get him to school on time. And it's not like his boyfriend was gonna do it. Todoroki never really bothered to look after Itsuski as much as Izuku did. Although he agreed with Izuku on adopting a kid, all he ever did was throw his money at him. Izuku always made sure that he showed a special interest in Itsuski because he was only 5 years old when they adopted him and he came from a situation where both his parents had died in a plane crash.

Deku's POV:

*yarns*another day of getting up early. As I slip out of the bed I see Todoroki shift a bit in his sleep.

Todoroki- "hhumm"

"I thought I woke him up for just a second there!" He would have killed me if I had done that. Well, I don't know about kill, but he definitely would have hit me again. "Wheww" I almost got in a really bad situation. But let me just go and wake up Itsuski.

Todoroki's POV:

"I know Izuku did not just wake me up!" Ughhh I'm too tired for this right now. I'll deal with him when he gets home.

Not knowing that he woke up Todoroki, Izuku quietly continued his way to wake up Itsuski.

Deku- "Hey Itsuski it's time for school"

Itsuski- *yarns* Ughhh getting up early is such a drag."

Deku- "I'll be downstairs making breakfast. Hurry up, it'll be ready in around 30 minutes."

Itsuski's POV:

"Ughhh why does school have to start so early." "I stayed up so late last night trying to see when my dad Todo was gonna get home. He had promised for the first time to help me with my science project and I was really excited because he never spends time with me." But honestly, I feel like he doesn't care about me."

"Whenever I ask him if we could go out, he would always just give me some money and say sure here you go. I don't think that he knows I want him to come with me because he usually just sends me off like I'm going to hang out with my friends."

Deku- Itsuski! Breakfast is almost done!

"Shit, Dad's gonna kill me if I'm late again. I better hurry up!"

Deku's POV:

"Itsuski better not be spacing out again. I need him to get to school on time or else his teacher will keep calling about how he's always late." I usually get calls from his teacher explaining how Itsuski's always getting in trouble. I mean I get that he could misbehave sometimes because I didn't think that it would be close to an everyday thing."

"That's it!"

"If he's not downstairs in 5 minutes I'm gonna be pissed!"

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