- Chapter seven -

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After they leave the treehouse,


"Okay, so I think we were supposed to meet everyone else right in front of the forest." I say, walking through the forest with Alex.

"Okay, then let's go there."

We make some small, pointless, conversation, probably making each other dumber bye the second. Just laughing at the stupid stuff we say and living in the moment, having a good time. Something I fear we won't have for awhile. Soon enough and to our slight dismay, we get to the front of the forest, seeing a slightly peeved Julie, and a bored Luke and Reggie.

"What took you guys so long?!?" Julie fumes at us, making us jump back a little bit.

"We were just hanging out, geez Jules." I say, trying to calm her down before she kills Alex and I.

"Where were you guys?" Reggie asks Alex, causing Julie and Luke to turn to us.

We just look at each other and smile, shrugging.

"I guess we'll never know." Alex replies, him and I breaking our stare and turning back to the others.

"Whatever," Luke starts, finally jumping into the conversation, "So, where are we supposed to go for this thing?"

"Hold on, let me get the map." I say, digging into my bag to get the map out of the hidden compartment that it's in. Once I find it, I hold it up like it's a trophy and say,

"Okay, so we take a right, another right, a left, and another right."

"Seems easy enough." Julie says, finally cooling off.

"Okay, then let's start walking." Reggie says, bouncing on his heals.

We all nod and start walking, waiting for someone to talk.

"Wait, so what are we doing again?"

"Luke, do you just not pay attention?" Alex asks, looking at Luke with a bored expression.

"Nobody asked you, Alex!"

"You know what, Luke-"

"Hey!" I interrupt their pointless bickering, "Both of you, shut up. Luke, we are going to practice spells and plan to get out of here."

"Oh, I forgot to ask, are you going to contact Uma once we get there?" Julie asks me.

"Should I? I feel like we shouldn't on the first day. It might be too early." I reply, shrugging.

"Really? I think it would be smarter if you did. You know, so that we can get a solid plan on both sides..." Reggie says and we all look at him. "What? I can be smart sometimes."

"Are you questioning my leadership, Hook?" I ask Reggie, jokingly, making us both stop walking,

His eyes widen and he starts flailing his arms around as he says, "No- No, I-I'm just saying that-"

"Geez, Reg, it's a joke," I cut him off, snickering, "It's actually a really good idea. Lighten up a bit, you're so tense."

I bump his shoulder with mine and give him a small, sarcastic, smile. He rolls his eyes playfully, smiling a bit, but trying to hide it.

"Whatever, shut up, ReRe." He says with a smug smirk in his face as he runs up to join the other, leaving me standing by myself.

"Not cool!" I yell after him, "I hate you!"

I run up to everyone as Julie says,

"Hey, guys! I think we're here."

We look over to where she's looking and we see a big circle of dark, wilted trees, all squeezed together except for one small opening, one that's supposed to be hidden. We were going to have to hide that better later.

I look at my friends and motion to the opening, signaling for them to crawl in. Once we all get in, we stare in awe at the room-like space in the forest that we're standing. It's bright and green, with flowers all around and a little table-like stump. We start walking around, examining how big it is, thinking of what we can do with it.

We all say things at the same time. Something along the lines of,

"This is the coolest thing ever, well, besides me."

"Is this what Auradon looks like? No wonder people want to take it over so bad."

"I'm gonna come here a lot. This could be my meditating area."

"Thank Hades Uma gave you that map."

"Screw the lair, this is awesome."

We all look around again before meeting in the middle.

To say that we have work to do is a very big understatement.


heyyyy. sry for the late updates and stuff, school just ended and I have minor writers block, but we are getting somewhere. Thank you for all of your support and all of your reads!! With that, farewell my children, until next time.

THE CORE FIVE|| Descendants/Julie and the phantoms AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora