- Chapter three -

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Serena and Reggie just went outside. Come to think of it, they've been doing that a lot lately. Just, disappearing for a little while and coming back like nothing happened. Not that Alex, Luke or I mind, we just kind of feel left out. Personally, I know that it has something to do with Uma and Harry, I just don't know what. I asked Serena about it once, she just waved me off and changed the subject. Anyway, now that their outside, the rest of us have nothing to do.

"So...... What now?" Alex asks, breaking the silence.

"How long have you and Serena known about this?" Luke asks, frowning a bit, "Why didn't you tell me-us?"

"I would've, I swear, but it wasn't really my secret to tell." I say, looking at the boys. They look at me quizzically.

"What do you mean?" Alex asks, Luke nodding along with him.

"I mean..... Think of it like this. Say, you guys had a sibling and they had been gone for over a year, leaving without any way of knowing their alive, and then, you guys find something like this and the person you're with says to put it on hold until they're ready to share it. Would you still have told me?" I ask them. They both look down, shaking their heads. "Uh huh, that's what I thought."

They look up, both giving me sheepish smiles, looking out the window and turning their attention to the two outside. We watch them in silence for about two minutes before Luke speaks again.

"What do you think they do out there?"

"Drugs." Alex says. We look at him shockingly and he laughs, "I'm kidding. Damn, lighten up a bit."

"What do you actually think they do out there? I mean, this happens a lot." Luke says, not taking his eyes off of the window and the people outside of it. Alex and I look at each other, sigh, and roll our eyes.

"Use your brain Luke! You have such a big head and for what? Nothing." Alex says, inhaling deeply to keep from blowing a fuse.

"Do I really have a big head?" Luke asks me in a low voice, I facepalm.

"That's what you're focused on? For real? They're obviously talking about Uma and Harry, dumbass." I say, not surprised by Luke's stupidity.

"Oh. Oh...... Are you sure?" Luke asks, looking at me and Alex. We both make a face and Alex answers,

"Well, not really, but there's a really good chance that we're right." I nod.

"I won't believe it till I hear it straight from them. I think that they're hooking up behind our backs." Luke says, Alex and I looking at him like he's gone insane. "What? We were all thinking it."

"Um..... No, we were not all thinking that." I say, Alex nodding frantically.

"Well, you should be! They've had this haters to lovers story going on since they were like, two! It honestly wouldn't surprise me if they were hooking up and not telling us. It shouldn't surprise you two either!" Luke exclaims like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I mean, he does have a point. They act just like you guys." Alex smirks, Luke and I turning red and looking anywhere but each other.

"Dude, shut up." Luke whisper shouts at Alex, thinking I didn't hear. I smile to myself, finally looking up.

"Anyway," I say, changing the subject, glancing at Serena and Reggie hugging before looking back at Luke and Alex, "I can confirm that they are not, in fact hooking up behind our backs." 

"And how exactly can you do that?" Alex asks, Luke looking at me with a questioning face.

"Because, Serena tells me everything, and even if she didn't, I would've figured it out by now. She's never even had a crush before." I state proudly.

"Unlike some people." Alex murmers, Luke elbowing him in the ribs. "Ow."

"That's great, Julie, but do you really think that Reggie doesn't tell us as much as Serena tells you? He tells us just as much if not more and I still think they're hiding something." Luke says. 

He has a good point, but I'm never wrong. Especially when it comes to Serena. I can't help but feel uncertain though.

"Whatever, I'm right, you're wrong. Get over it. You're just jealous that I know Serena better than you guys know Reggie." I say, crossing my arms as Luke gives me his angry puppy face. Alex  looks between us and sighs.

"Look, it doesn't matter who knows who best because we're all family. Got it?" Alex asks, raising an eyebrow at us.

"Yeah." "I guess."

We hear footsteps and laughter from the stairs leading outside, Serena and Reggie emerging from them.

"Hey guys, what'd we miss?" Reggie asks, Alex and I staying quiet and averting eye contact.

"I don't know, Reggie, what did you miss?" Luke asks raising an eyebrow, trying to trick Reggie into fessing up to something he did or didn't do.

"I don't know what I missed. That's why I asked you...." Reggie replies, confused.

"Don't mind Luke, he's just being an idiot. Serena we have to go upstairs. Bye guys." I say, quickly pulling Serena's arm and dragging her up the stairs to our room slamming the door.

"Jules, what the hel-" I cut her off.

"Are you hooking up with Reggie behind my back? Because so help me Hades if you are I'm gonna-" I get cut off by laughter.

"Julie.... Are you for real? What gave you that idea?" Serena asks, sitting on her bed trying to condone her laughter.

"Stupid Luke and his stupid idiotic self." I mumble. "I knew you weren't though."

"As you should, now we need to do some studying." Serena says.

"What? You never ever study. Why do you need to do it now?" I ask.

"Because, Julie, now that we have a chance to get out of here and get revenge, we're not gonna mess it up like Uma and Mal did. We're doing this right." She says, going under her head and getting our box. She pulls out the books and two pieces of paper, along with two pens.

"You take the spell book, I've got Uma's book." She says, handing me the book and the writing materials.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask, holding up the spell book.

"I don't know, look through it? Write down what you think is important, like spell or something." She replies.

"Okay." I say.

We study, and study, and study. Somewhere in the middle of it, we fall asleep. Dreaming of sweet, sweet revenge. 


This was kind of a filler chapter, just wanted to get something out before the bigger stuff happens. My updating schedule will be every other day, sometimes two in between if I have things to do. Don't forget to comment, vote, and tell your friends! With that, so long my children. Until next time.

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