- Chapter Six -

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(Okay, okay, Im back from vacation and you've got a lot coming. Like seriously, I spent the entire weekend studying Descendants- Well more of the isle, and I came up with so many plot lines. Maybe some new characters........ I guess we'll never know. Last chapter was mainly focused on Juke and the kind of Regena/Seggie that's going on, but now we are getting back to the main plot. Don't worry though, I may or may not have some moments planned. I love you all.)


Ugh, morning. Stupid, idiotic, awful, rotten morning. It's Monday too. Monday mornings are more evil than my mother, and that's saying a lot. At least we get to test out spells and stuff today. Whatever.

I get up, walk over to my drawer and take out a shirt, pants, you know, stuff like that. I change and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put some makeup on. I don't wear a lot, just the basics like mascara, concealer and lipstick. After I finish, I go back in my room and grab my bag, the spell book, and Uma's journal, putting the books in a secret pocket in my bag. And with that, I head down stairs to the restaurant. I smile when I see Julie standing by the entrance waiting for me. I start to make my way over when someone grabs my arm and whispers in my ear,

"Listen here, and listen good, kid. You better not mess this up. This is my one chance to get out of here and your dumb ass isn't going to screw it up. Got it?" I gulp.

"Yes, Mother."

With a final glare, she lets go of my arm, the spot that she was holding onto being lighter than the rest of my arm because of her strong grip. I look back over to Julie, she's looking at me with a confused expression. I shake my head at her to signal that I was okay, starting to walk over to her. 

Once I make my way over to her, she flashes me a grin and we walk out and into an alleyway on our way to school. 

"Hey, what was that all about? I thought your mom like, worshiped you now?" Julie asks, looking at me for a second before looking back ahead.

"It was nothing, you know how she gets." I lie.

"Oh..." She leads me on with a shameless smile, "I kissed Luke last night." I do a double take.

"Wait, what? You did what now?"

"I know, but that's not even the best part. He told me he liked me first!"

"Seriously?!? I always thought it would be you. What happened?"

"Okay, so it was right after I left your apartment, right? I bumped into him in an alley and he kept asking me what I thought of the concert."

"Is that all?"

"No, he asked stuff like, 'Did it make you feel anything?' and started using a whole bunch of metaphors and stuff. At this point I was just egging him on for the fun of it because I knew what he meant and I wasn't gonna say it first."

"Classic Julie."

"Anyway, so after that he just got like, frustrated and was like 'You know what I mean, blah blah blah' and somewhere in there he said that he liked me and that he'd change for me and shit. Like, it was nice to hear, but it was getting annoying so to shut him up, I just kissed him."

"Okay, what was it like?"

"It was weird, but I wanna do it again. Kinda like drugs I guess?"

"Wow, comparing your crush to drugs, not concerning at all."

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