- Chapter four -

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Great. It's morning already, just great. Nobody is even up yet. Well, I guess now I know how Julie feels. Ugh. It was a good nightmare too. Whatever, anyway, now I'm just thinking. Sitting in my bed and thinking, my mind going to very dark places. Trust me, you don't want to know.

I can't believe that this is actually happening. I mean, I didn't think that we would ever get out or even have a chance of getting out. That was until King Ben made his proclamation and let the traitors out. Then, instead of letting everyone else out and making the same mistake, they let my sister, friend, and the Smee twins out, turning their back on everyone else. I know Celia though, I know she wouldn't just forget about us like that.

But us, my friends and I, we actually have a chance at getting out of here. That's wild. Come to think of the wild, I wonder what Uma, Harry and Gil are doing out there. I mean, if we thought life on the isle was bad, imagine living on an island, with no food, no shelter, and the only way of communication is through a tiny shell. That must suck.

Speaking of them, I wonder how Reggie is doing about Harry. I wanted to help, I think I did but I don't know. I know, I know, I sound like a softie right now, but I'm not. I just wanted to help because I know what it feels like. I can't believe they all thought we were hooking up behind their back. If I was doing that with anyone, I would tell Julie. Not that I ever would, especially not with him. Not that he isn't good enough or hot enough or anything,because trust me he is plenty good and plenty hot- I didn't say that. Moral of the story is, love is for suckers and I'm not a sucker.

What would it even feel like to have a crush? Julie's talked about it all the time. How she always wants to be around Luke and see if he's ok, going out of her way to make sure he is. She says she gets these stomach aches when she sees him when its just the two of them, or how she gets jealous when he's around other girls, flirting with them and stuff like that. That's how I know I could never be in a relationship with any of the boys on the isle, especially not Reggie. He's the most flirty person I know, it's part of his personality at this point. It's like his main role in the group. 

Not that it's all he is, because he is so much more than that, he's just the main flirt. We all have roles like that in our group. Reggie's the flirt, Luke's the muscle/hard-headed one, Alex is the witty-sarcastic one, Julie's the dreamer and the one that always reminds us to do our homework, and I'm the best one. I'm just kidding. I guess I just don't know what I am in the group. Before Celia and Uma left, I was kind of just the shadow, but I guess all of the greats were small at one time.

I'm not going to lie, I have thought about what it would be like if I wasn't here, if I would've left for Auradon. I'd probably hate it there, but I wonder if my friends- My family  would be better of without me. I just feel like all I do is boss them around and I'm only there because my sisters aren't. And I know that it's all just the dark side of my head trying to get me to listen, but it hurts sometimes, thinking that they would be better off without me. I know they wouldn't though. I mean, I'm me, they wouldn't be here without me because I'm the leader, the one that keeps them in line. I'm the hot girl.(A/n, Iykyk)

I got off topic, back to my anti-crushing self. I've tried to think about it, loving someone as more than platonic, but I just can't see myself with anyone. I've never thought about Reggie though, I guess I can kind of see why they thought we were kind of a thing. We hang out a lot, we've known each other the longest, we sneak off together from time to time, we joke around a lot. I guess I can see why people would think that. Julie says that when you love someone, you'll do anything for them, even if you aren't sure if they need it.

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