Prison AU [D-Gang] (one)

Start from the beginning

    "Freshmeat," the stranger snickered. Richard turned his attention to them and glared, his bloodred eyes meeting scathing amber.

    "You got something to say, say it to my face," Dick warned. Nice one, huh? Saw it in a movie once... I think. He expected something more than an eyeroll, but perhaps he got lucky and snapped at a level-headed prisoner.

     "Chill, I'm just stating the obvious. Wallflowers don't fare well in prison, man. That's only in high school."

     What's up with all the references to high school? Richard wondered to himself as he dared to step closer. He supposed perhaps his comparison to high school and prison earlier hadn't been far off if someone outside his conscience was commenting on it. "C- I'm sitting here," Richard said. He almost asked "Can I sit here?" but he stopped himself, knowing he should just take what he wants. This seemed to amuse the young man who he scooted over to.

     "Aw, big man's first lunch. So proud," the stranger cooed, but Richard payed him no mind. He was busy sizing the guy up. Now that he was sitting closer to him, he found out that he was much taller than the man. Not only that, but the prisoner's ears were sharper -- and no, not in the figurative sense. They were literally sharper. An elf, Dick presumed, or something of the sorts. He cautiously inched away, unsure of what this stranger was capable of.

    More sarcasm is what Dick should've been scared of, really. The young man turned to the person sitting across from him. "Look, Dasher, a friend!" the prisoner exclaimed. Dick glanced over at this Dasher character. 

     She was only a few inches shorter than Richard, which wasn't saying much since he was really only standing at a proud five-feet-and-eleven-inches. Dasher's main characteristic, though, wasn't her height but her hair, which was starch white. She bent her plastic fork through the knotted strands, obviously having missed the opportunity to brush it this morning. When she grinned at Richard, a row of sharp teeth glittered back at him, and he forced himself to look her in the eyes instead, which were a translucent pink. Do not be intimidated, he ordered himself. Women are below me -- I mean, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean -- AAH, I look so sexist right now. Sorry! I meant that, like... she's... not intimidating-- I should shut up now. 

     Shutting up wasn't hard since he never spoke in the first place. "What's your name, newbie?" Dasher inquired, and Dick chewed on the inside of his lip.

     Okay, cool time. Act cool. Yeah, lean back, just like that. Shrug indifferently, yes. Very cool. Okay, now speak. "M-mm- uhh, Di-- Rich- uh, Richard." He cringed as his voice broke on his name. The two prisoners stared at him. Nice one.

     They bursted out laughing. Richard was pretty sure his face turned the color of Dasher's eyes. The other prisoner slapped him on the back, making him grunt. "You're funny, new guy! Sorry, sorry- Richard. I'm Donner. Nice to meet you," snickered the amber-eyed prisoner. Dick stared at Donner, scanning for any sign he was kidding as a realization struck him, but all Dick perceived were the freckles splayed across Donner's dark face and a tiny, white scare jutting out from under his eye.

    "Wait, Dasher and Donner? Like, the reindeer?" Richard guessed, and Donner's eyes widened as he quickly turned to Dasher.

     "He's smarter than he looks," he whispered, which earned a laugh from the girl and a scowl from Richard.

    Donner returned to his food as Dasher turned to Richard with a glaring curiosity about her. He glared back, hoping he looked tough. He doubted it, though. He was scrawny and the human form of a migraine, as his mother once told him. "So, Richard, what are you in here for?" Dasher asked. "DUI? Assault? Vandalism? Being ugly?"

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