11 | Harry - First Time

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Whilst it did annoy me that she could do it so well and so quickly. I was always in awe of her. Over the years, I had tried to improve my quick thinking by running scenarios through my head and trying to come up with plans quickly but I could never get on her level.

I noticed her breathing hitch when I pulled her hands away from her face which was a good sign that she wouldn't punch me for what I was about to do. It is Jamie we are talking about and her spontaneity was one of the reasons I actually did like her.

Yeh, I know. I’m not fighting it anymore.

I stroked the hair that had fallen forwards and moved it behind her ear. “You need to slow your breathing J.” She nodded her head yet again but her breathing wasn’t changing.

I suppose I'll either leave with answers or a broken nose.

I knelt up so my weight was no longer on my heels and cupped my hands over her face. I stroked my thumbs over her cheeks gently. I felt her tense up lightly at my proximity. Whether it was from discomfort or anticipation I'll never know.

Before I could doubt my own actions, I closed my eyes and tentatively pressed my lips against hers. I pulled back just as quickly as I placed them there and when I saw no signs of her punching me in the face, only her closed eyes and mouth slightly open in shock, did I move my hands from her cheeks to the back of her neck. Tangling my hands through her hair in order to bring her closer to me.

Heat rose my stomach to my chest. Her lips plush against my own and my heart did this fucking weird fluttery thing that its never done before and all becasue Im close enough to smell the mango from her shampoo in her hair and the lavender like smell of her clothes. 

I parted my lips and felt her washing over me like a wave of warmth unfurling all of my senses as the taste of her nearly silenced all the doubts I have about her and what all of this would mean and how it would change our dynamic.

My whole body tingled and I could feel Jamie moving towards the end of the sofa effectively closing any and all distance between us. Her hands came up to mirror that of my own and I found myself humming into the kiss as she scratched her nails gently on my scalp.

She pulled away momentarily to allow us to catch our breath that we had stolen from each other. I didn't expect anything else to happen so I was stunned when she pulled me back towards her, claiming my mouth once again. Only this time with more hunger and intensity.

Reluctantly, we both pulled away, panting slightly from the intensity of the kiss rather than the emotions that had been running through us beforehand. Our foreheads resting against each other. I kept my gaze on her face looking for any signs of regret or discomfort but all I could see was Jamie with her eyes closed and a somewhat peaceful look on her face.

At least she was breathing more normally now.

We pulled away from each other, neither of us knowing what to do next or where to go from here. We just sat in a very uncomfortable yet comfortable silence.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that but I didn't know what else to do. I-" she groaned, interrupting my rambling, which I'm presuming was pretty annoying for her. Before I could say anything else she surprised me yet again when she cupped my face harshly and kissed me again.

"Well, now I've found a way to shut you up." she said with a breathy laugh which I reciprocated. "Are you gonna sit on the sofa so we can talk or are you staying there?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

I mumbled a "Shut up" before taking a seat next to her again. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and crossed her legs underneath herself all whilst turning to face me. "What else do you know then?" I asked. Coughing to clear my throat at the sudden tense atmosphere. 

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