10 | Jamie - Broken

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This is the starting of a brand new day
I never liked this town much anyway
I need this city like I need the rain
I know that somewhere there's a north bound train

*A/N: Mentions of panic attacks with zero description. Mentions of blood**

 Mentions of blood**

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3 days.

3 days I had spent in the dark.

3 fucking days.

Its not usually that bad. Its' for a couple hours at a time. Long enough to slightly injure myself but not long enough to cause multiple panic atacks. Either way, it's still exhausting.

God help the poor bastard who runs this place when I get my hands on him. I understand its his or her job and they're probably just following orders like every other brain dead person here but seriously. 3 days with no light.

The lights went out after an hour and staed off until I got carried out into the 'medical wing' of wherever I was. It was more of a bed in the corner of the room than a medical wing. It was disgusting.

The cuts, scrapes an bruises weren't as bad this time. By that, I mean there were fewer number wise but the few I did have were deeper and definitely needed stitches. Im almost one hundred percent certain that one or two of my ribs are broken too.

I vaguely remember opening a door and being hit with a bat or something really hard, blacking out in pain only to wake up in pure blackness again. It was fucking terrifying. I don't think I'll be able to sleep with the lights off again for a while.

Each time I go there it seems to get worse. Longer in the dark, more glass, more beatings.

At least I wasn't barefoot this time.

I had haphazardly thrown a random t shirt on from my room with some random, most likely dirty, leggings and wrapped my hands very badly in a bandage. I made my way to where I knew Liam would be. He would stitch me up no questions asked and send me on my way.

I would love to know the reason Stephen gave for my abscence this time. His reasons actually make me laugh and some of them are absolutely ridiculous. For example, he sent me once and I was gone for 6 days, when I came back I needed another 6 to recover but I was floating around the building. He actually had the audacity to say I went on holiday.

Everyone goes on holiday here right? Lets not mention the sprained wrist, black eye and cut up face. That really all happened on holiday. Wanker.

Its surprising how many people don't question it to be honest.

Not that I care because I don't. A lot of the time I go there becasue I don't follow orders. It's meant to force me into submission and you would think after ending me there at least once a month for the last 6 years if I'm still not, it's probably not working.

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