"I found Mr. Kwon." Changkyun's voice came through. "He's in a separate room, he's on the phone but the hallway is unfortunately guarded." The man explained, crushing afterward at the number of cameras in the building and how the system was an absolute pain to navigate

"He's not far from the hallway you're in. Just keep going and turn right when you get the first chance." Jooheon showed a peace sign to the camera in the hallway after the younger had subtly mentioned that he saw them. The leader shook his head slightly. It wasn't the time to joke around, even if the action had slightly lightened the mood.

"Shownu, Minhyuk. Feel free to proceed with your part whenever." Wonho told the two who had been quit, probably just planning amongst themselves. "Roger." Minhyuk hummed through the line before it fell quiet again.

Jooheon called out for the leader, nodding at the turn that was coming ahead. The older showed an 'Ok' with his hand. The two stopped right before the turn, glancing at each other. "You handle the guards and I'll head inside... If it gets too much try to lead them away." Wonho stated and Jooheon nodded, despite wanting to disagree with the plan. 

It could be a trap.

Wonho took a deep breath and pulled out his gun, checking the magazine even if he knew it was loaded to the max. It had a silencer screwed to the end of it, to not wreak too much havoc when he needs to use it. "Break a leg." The leader said before he stepped into the guarded hallway. He managed to get a few steps in before he was stopped by a guard placing his hand in front of him. 

"Entry restricted." The man said, his voice monotone. This caused the built man to roll his eyes. "I'm here for business. Out of my way." He spat, shoving the guard back harshly.

The stranger didn't back down though and grabbed Wonho by his shoulder. "I recommend you leave, this isn't an area for guests." It quite frankly sounded more like a threat than a statement. Though in this field, was there a big difference between the two?

"I'm turning the security camera in the hallway off. Wonho, you have a few minutes to get into that room before I have to put it back up." Changkyun instructed the leader, who didn't respond. He couldn't in the situation.

Wonho sighed, hitting the man over the head with the gun in his hand, making him crouch down in pain. The action had alerted the rest of the guards and Wonho wouldn't have been surprised if they would call for more backup in the next few minutes. Yet despite that, he shot the man he had probably already given a slight concussion to in the head. 

The leader nodded at Jooheon who pulled out his gun too, without hesitation shooting more of the guards. "Go." The younger said, nodding towards the door. "I'll take it from here."

Wonho nodded and started making his way to the door, shooting at the guards that tried to come at him. Luckily this was happening in the back of the building. The two there could just hope everything was going well with the others.

The man made his way to the door not wasting a second before entering. 

"I'm impressed." Wonho locked the door behind him, raising his gaze to the man who had spoken. "How so?" "All this effort, for what?" 

The man shrugged slightly. "I could ask you the same exact thing," Wonho stated, raising his gun and aiming for the older's head. "Power is power." Mr. Kwon responded, standing up. "You're just protecting a child." 

Wonho scrunched up his nose slightly. "A child? Is that what you call him?" He asked, walking closer to the older. 

"You aren't going to win this." Mr. Kwon smirked. Wonho chuckled slightly, nodding his head. "And you are?" He shot back, raising his eyebrows a little. The arrogance from the man could be smelled from a mile away, and it wasn't enjoyable. "One way or another."

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