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"The compass in me is spinning like crazy."


The two men stared at each other in silence until a laugh came out of the older man. The black mask was discarded onto the floorboards. "You slithered your way back here, I'm quite surprised. If I was you I would have never come back." Hyungwon clenched his jaw and looked away. "Work is work." the ex-hitman responded quietly. His head was forcefully turned and tilted upwards.

"Look at me when I'm talking. I guess your free years made you forget the senses I put into you." The man scoffed, raising his hand to hit the younger. Hyungwon couldn't help the way his body flinched, but the hit never came

"Let go of me, woman." The man hissed. Hyungwon raised his head, eyes meeting with the soft chocolate-like eyes of his mother. The eye contact didn't last long as the woman was harshly slapped and pushed pack. "Don't hurt her!" Hyungwon spat. The older man rolled her eyes. "You're the same." He muttered, slapping his child on the cheek. Hyungwon clenched his jaw and pushed the bigger man back before he started to stand up.

"I'm... I'm much different." He said coldly, brushing off his clothes. Mr. Chae raised his eyebrows a little. "Sure. You flinch at every move I make and your eyes still tell everything." He mocked. Hyungwon stared down at the older man. Surprisingly he had grown past the older, but it didn't give him much confidence.

Hyungwon glared at the man. Without even hesitating, he smacked the older in the face. It felt good, in a way, finally landing a hit on the devil's face. As the man tried to compose himself from the sudden hit Hyungwon grabbed the gun he had dropped and aimed it at the old man's head. 

"You're arm's shaking." He mocked. Hyungwon tightened his hold on the weapon. His eyes shortly darted between the man, who he refused to call his father anymore, and his mother who was holding her cheek. If he couldn't hit him, he would hit her. "Why are you stalling? Shoot me." Mr. Chae stated and stepped forward. The gun barrel was soon pressed against his forehead.

He couldn't pull the trigger. Killing the man now would lead to more issues down the line. So he ended up hitting the side of the man's head with the gun. Mr. Chae then grabbed the weapon from the younger's hold, turning it on the original owner. "Coward..." He laughed. Hyungwon backed up a little.

"I won't shoot you. I need you alive." He scoffed, throwing the gun away. Hyungwon's shoulders relaxed. "What do you need me for?" He asked, glancing towards the door before turning to the older one who had stayed quiet. "Answer me!" he demanded. 

Hyungwon already knew, but he needed the words out of the other's mouth for confirmation. Mr. Chae sneered. "You're supposed to stand by my side. Or, you're the heir for my throne. Isn't it obvious?" 

"I'm not ever going to take your place. I'd rather die." Hyungwon answered angrily. If the man thought that, he was delusional. A wicked grin came onto the man's features as he walked closer, shoving Hyungwon back a little to make him crash against a table. "That's not up to you, now is it?" The man said and grabbed Hyungwon by his throat, instantly making the dark-haired man's eyes widen. "I destroyed those bastards who hid you away and I won't hesitate to do anything like that again." 

Hyungwon grabbed the old man's wrist attempting to move his hand hastily. "You..." He started, his mouth suddenly feeling dry. He wouldn't land a hand on the X-Crew. No fucking way, "I'll rip apart everything you love, one by one until you're crawling your way back to me." Hyungwon stared at the monster silently. "I have nothing you can rip away. Not anymore." Mr. Chae let out a laugh, sending shivers down the ex-hitman's back. "You're still bad at lying."  

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