75 11 20

"I wish there was someone, who..."


Wonho grabbed Hyungwon's wrist before the younger could get into the car. "Here." The older said, handing the other man a new cellphone.

They had gone to the effort of hacking his old one to remove any information that could lead the Devils to them so basically everything. Of course, there was no doubt that they must have gotten something out of the cursed mobile device but hopefully nothing too important. Not that Hyungwon used it a lot anyway.

Hyungwon took the device thanking the older. "You're sure you can do this?" Hyungwon then asked, still worried about the other's health. Wonho nodded his head. "I'm more worried about you in case something happens." 

Hyungwon rolled his eyes slightly. "As if I didn't run away from someone at the beach just a few nights back. I'll be fine." He reassured the other who nodded his head. "And if anything happens I'll call for help. I'm not alone here this time." He then stated and just by saying those words he felt more at ease.

Wonho nodded his head, patting the younger man on the shoulder before running his hands down Hyungwons arms down to his sides, straightening the black suit jacket the other was wearing. "Good luck. We'll be right behind you two." Hyungwon nodded his head before lowering himself into the car.

"You two sure are getting comfortable," Minhyuk said, startling the younger. Right. He wasn't going alone.

Sure they were slightly touchy with each other but so what..?

Hyungwon cleared his throat and pulled his seatbelt on. "Let's just go. We need to get there before sundown." He muttered out before turning to look out of the window. Minhyuk let out a chuckle. "Sure, whatever." He hummed and started up the car.

The mission this time wouldn't be too hard. Hyungwon would be paying a lovely visit to his lawyer friend Kim Sooyoung. He wouldn't harm her... Not yet, but it would be coming eventually if she doesn't speak which was to be expected.

"Will she actually meet you?" Hyungwon shrugged at the question. He didn't know. "If she doesn't know yet, probably. If she does; she might call them..." Hyungwon muttered, straightening his back. "Or if we have really bad luck, Mr. Chae might even be there himself which I'm not excited about." He then added, shaking his head.

Minhyuk let out a sigh. "I wish we could postpone this due to the health risks..." The man stated, keeping his eyes on the road. Hyungwon huffed. 

He wasn't in that bad of a condition anymore. And it was only his arm that was hurt. Yes, it was his dominant hand but it also had healed well so far.

"I'll be fine," he responded as if on autopilot. Minhyuk couldn't help but roll his eyes a bit. "You keep saying that, but will you really?" Hyungwon fell quiet after that. There was no point in giving a counter-argument as it would do nothing. He knew that he was hanging onto the smallest strings of his sanity and by now it was unsure when those threads would snap and drop him into a deep dark void.

The two arrived at the law firm building and Minhyuk parked the car. "I forgot how horrifying it is to come here," Hyungwon muttered and pulled out his phone. The ex-hitman opened the number pad and started to dial the number engraved in his mind. He had had a habit of memorizing all the numbers of his clients as he never dared to save them on his phone.

"We arrived, so far there's nothing suspicious going on but things might change," Minhyuk said and Hyungwon guessed he reported to the others. Hyungwon called the number he had dialed in and brought the new device to his ear. He stared outside at the building that if this worked, they could enter without trouble. 

sweet chaos - hyungwonhoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu