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"So close yet so far to touch; place it on my fingertips."


"You're admirable for doing that." Shownu stated as Hyungwon put the two bags into the back of his car.

"It's just the right thing to do. And I know he won't spend it on drugs.." Hyungwon sighed nonchalantly and closed the trunk. "And since I wont be here to feed him and no one else there helps him I had to. He's been there as long as I remember."

Hyungwon had given the homeless man half of the money Wonho had given him for the job he did for the gang leader. It's not like he needed it anymore since he will be living under a roof without having to pay rent.

"Your parent's must've taught you well." Shownu stated calmly. Hyungwon chuckled softly, without even realizing. "If they did, I wouldn't have become a hitman." He stated. His parents were never really there. They were always busy, his mom was working and his dad.. That's a story for another time.

In any case they probably didn't even notice when their only son vanished. And if they did; mom wouldn't have cared and the old man probably freaked out and got pissed. Though Hyungwon wasn't sure if he ever put effort into finding him.

"Do we head back straight away?" Hyungwon then asked as the two of them got into the car. Shownu thought for a moment. "Let's go by the grocery store. Since there is going to be seven of us at the hideout all of the time we need a lot of food..."

"Are there more than the seven of us?" Hyungwon asked, then frowned. A dumb question. Of course there would be more than seven. How else would the X-Crew have climbed up the hierarchy?

"Yeah, of course. But the others and I are closest to Wonho, the inner circle. Whether we've been here before he became our boss or he took us in. Now, you're a part of it too." Shownu explained. Hyungwon only listened to the older talk, nodding occasionally. His voice was quite relaxing so it was easy to listen to and he didn't feel the need to respond at all times.

Hyungwon started up the car and sighed. "Alright..." he mumbled. It was surprising how quickly the man, and the other members at that, had welcomed the hitman in. Not many people would trust hitmen just like that. Some had a very bad name when it came to being loyal.

"You know. Wonho's kept an eye on you for a few years now, as far as I know." The older man hummed. Hyungwon only hummed. "Why? It's not like I'm anything special." Hyungwon stated, keeping his eyes on the road. He couldn't see it, but Shownu shrugged. "Maybe he saw something in you."

Whatever it was, Hyungwon couldn't figure it out.

Hyungwon had to turn on the radio as he started feeling uneasy when silence fell in the car. "I was meaning to ask. Are you ma--" "No." Hyungwon interrupted quite bluntly and laughed softly. "Is being in a relationship against your guys' rules because three of you have asked me that..."

Shownu chuckled, too. "No. Kihyun and Changkyun have their thing going on. It's just plain curiosity." Shownu said. Hyungwon glanced at the older and sighed.

Once they stopped at a red light Hyungwon sighed once more and opened his mouth, quite hesitatingly. "I used to have a fiance." He then said, holding back a frown. The older noticed the mood change in the other man and didn't question further.

Even with a short glance, you could tell that it was a sensitive topic.

If the air in the car wasn't awkward before; now it was. After a grocery store trip they drove back to the hideout. "Don't feel bad about asking... You didn't know. And you're the first one I've told this. For some god damn reason." Hyungwon mumbled before getting out of the car, not giving the other man a chance to say anything.

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