Flying into her dreams

Start from the beginning

After a short while he appeared, holding a bouquet in his one hand and his cellphone in the other. Dressed in an ethnic wear with a black embroidered cap, he was a fine guy of healthy physique and average height.

"Assalamualiykum, Khush amadeed!" handing the bouquet to her brother he did the traditional Islamic handshake (musafa) with him and hugged.

"Walaiykumassalam, hope we didn't bothered you much" said the brother parting away from him.

"What are you saying brother! of course not, infact it's an honor to receive you and I'm glad you had a safe flight...but well-...I'm assuming it must've been a tiring one so shall we?..." stretching his hand out to the parking lot and tooking the luggage from her which she gave hastily as to not speak anything, he lead the way to the car.

A smile was plastered on her face as she stared out of the window like a curious child, nearly everything caught her attention which made her eyes travel back and forth, with both the gents's voices working as a bgm she was enjoying her best. Since childhood she used to sit only on window seats, sometimes to look at the strangers and wonder what goes on in their particular lives or sometimes just to get lost in her thoughts and to see the outside world moving which gave her an unexplainable joy.

The highways were surrounded by high-rise hotels and apartment buildings that were flourishing in beige, worn-out exteriors. The tall skyscrapers stood behind the department stores, town houses and cinemas. A small huddle of people passed by her eyes as the car moved into the bazaar as it was only morning, womens were busy shopping one thing or the other as their partners; specimens of opposite gender were showing looks of tiredness unquestionably because of walking non-stop, she pitied them and chuckled internally.

Kids thou were interested in their part of stuffs but as their mothers might've already denied buying them those, they were now focussed on the roadways instead. Giggling, waving or simply smiling at the voyagers and vehicles before them.

As their car moved by an adorable toddler in her mother's arms, who was waving at their car, she waved back and kept on waving sticking her head out until he got disappeared from her vision. And when he was no longer visible, realisation hit her--she was in a foreign country traveling in a car which was being driven by a gentleman she never met before. What'd he think of her if he was to look at her stuck out head.

She quickly sat back, demurely. Pretending nothing happened even though no one was looking at her.

Love does not makes a person blind, It's the happiness of getting loved or loving which does.

And happiness was the only feeling she was feeling right now, which was turning her eyes into a mirror of erised and making her show only good things and her desires behind them.

Staring into nothingness she was remembering how she literally fought the world war III to be here, to pursue her post graduation in a foreign country all by her own when she wasn't even allowed to do her graduation in a different city living alone back in India so her brother had to stay with her. Moreover how everyone used to make fun of her when she used to say that she'll become a doctor and will go to big big universities for the studies. But to everyone's surprise she did cleared her entrance test with one of the best ranks all india wise and got into one of the biggest medical college of india, received her mbbs degree and now was here in Egypt to do the md in neurology in the infamous Al azhar university that too living alone.

Her past was moving like some movie in front of her eyes when the car came to a halt.

"NOT BAD HAIDER! You're living quite luxuriously" her brother exclaimed to which Haider responded with a gentle chuckle, stepping out of the car first, then he passed a look telling her to also do the same, she opened the door and without stepping out, first briefly scanned the tall building afront which looked like some apartments society with a big fountain residing in front of it's entrance.

She finally made herself to get off the car by closing the car door with a thud and step ahead to walk into the building.They were now heading to an elevator through a beautifully furnished foyer, she was assuming it was Haider's apartment they were going in, as back at home their father told them about him insisting to be his guest and let him do the hospitality for at least two-three days and then move into the dorm.

With a click sound, Haider turned the doorknob only to stretch his hand again to welcome them in his home sweet home.

"Please make yourself at home and uh-" he stopped to look at her then spoke-"sister, let me show you your room for the time being." then did his signature gesture again before heading to the hall way which was elegantly decorated with royal cut console, some paintings and a mirror to go with, which she made use of, by peeking at her reflection as she walked pass it.

"This is your room, I've myself made sure that you have everything that you will need, but still if you need anything I'll be there in the living room please let me know anytime" after being an absolute gentleman that he was he went straight to the door to leave the room but suddenly stopped and turned around thinking something before speaking-

"Rest well! I'll be taking you and brother around at night and hopefully tomorrow will be a big day of your life..." his lips curved with a hint of soft smile, "Sir has told me how you're so crazy...umm I meant passionate about your studies so...embrace yourself!" he said with admiration in his eyes and assurance in his look then went away while she stayed there for no one knows how long staring blankly at the door.

"Crazy, huh?" she asked herself, tilting her head with a scoff to which her heart whispered with a yes.

Taking a long chilled water shower and changing into new clothes, she was feeling refreshed as the cold water calmed her exhaustness down but still she needed to recharge herself for the coming day. So she laid at the preetily sheeted bed and stared at the ceiling, smiling as the contentment of finally living her dreams was puddling her heart. Then slowly drifted off in the world of her absurd dreams; mostly all of which were too unreal to be real, but she couldn't care less about this information. She loved all sort of dreams even if they weren't to get real no day.

Tomorrow will be the day. The day that she hopes to mark the beginning of a new journey for her. The journey of being independent and happy and enough as an individual.

But no man knows what tomorrow holds for one.

She was sleeping peacefully as the sun was rising up in the window, defeating the darkness just like she did above all those barricades, leaving the taunts behind. However, rising of the Sun is not the topic to worry about but it's setting. Because then darkness arise, undoing all it's struggles and hardwork.


Hey beautiful buds, here's the second chapter...
Hope uh guys enjoyed reading it!

And if you did,Thank you!

I'll In shaALLAHu ta'ala be updating twice a week if everything goes well and planned, that means on Thursdays and Fridays. So see ya next week, Take care!

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