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J and BTS was at the verge of fighting.
They were shooting daggers at each other.

The atmosphere was so tense making me really uncomfortable. No one was speaking. So I decided to break the ice.

'Look guys, how about we have a formal introduction?' I asked looking at them. They were still playing the 'daggers' game.

'GUYS!' I shouted. They all looked at me.

'Look I Know this is a very , uhmm... unusual.... situation. But let's try to get over it now,shall we??' I looked at them. They looked back at me blankly with no response.

I sighed. 'Jong suk was the one who saved me 14 years ago. I had amnesia. We tried to find my family. But we failed. Jong Suk was supposed to go to the states then and he didn't want to leave me alone in an orphanage. So he took me in . Since then we became siblings.' I explained.

Bts stopped shooting daggers. The then tense atmosphere now became awkward. Taehyung and namjoon would look at anywhere but at J. Suga had a neutral face. Hoseok and Jin muttered a quick thank you and sorry to J. J gave them a small smile clearly flattered at my explanation which made him look like a hero. Jimin for some reason, I noticed ,wouldn't look at me.

I looked at J who was still in his' I am so great' moment.

' Hey you remember how I used to whine that I wanted to have a twin? I said to which he gave me a nod.

I pointed at Jungkook. ' meet my twin brother, Jungkook.

Jungkook gave a bunny smile. J looked at me and then at Jungkook.
His eyes widened in realisation.

'Meet my other brothers. Jin, Yoongi, hoseok, namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung. ' they all either gave a small smile or a nod.

These guys seriously need to learn how to socialize.

'I also found my dad. Ever heard of Mr .Kim dong wook. ' I asked J.

'You mean KE group's owner, The Kim dong wook??' he asked me .

'Yeah. He's my dad.'

he gasped and stood there for a good long 2 minutes recovering from the shocking news.

Bts stood there amused by his reaction.

' now that everything is explained how about everyone leave except for Jimin and Jong Suk. I have something to tell them.' Jimin looked at me confused. The rest of the bts left. J too looked a bit confused.

'J wait for me outside. I'll call you in.'

J left leaving me and Jimin alone in the room. He still wouldn't look at me in the eyes.

' Jimin are you uncomfortable around me?'
He looked at me. I could see tears forming in his eyes.

'I-its just I am your big brother. I am supposed to protect you. But then you took the knife for me-'

'Exactly.' I said cutting him off.


'I took the knife for you. I took the knife for you, meaning , It was my choice to take the knife for you. It wasn't your fault but my choice. You don't have to blame yourself. Blame the bastard who threw the knife.' I told him.

He stood there for a second and broke into tears.
Is he really the person I saw in the college?? This one's definitely a softie not a cold bully.

I extended my hands gesturing a hug. He immediately came into my embrace. I patted him on the back trying to calm him down. After some time he stopped crying. I really felt like a babysitter .

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