"No other option. Have to repair", Lou said, professional mode ON, and quickly took her clothes from the closet. "If you are joining me, then wear something really cozy and thick".

She then went inside the bathroom to change. Something she never did when they were together. Privacy mattered a lot now and it was uncomfortable and hurting.

When Lou walked out wearing her winter clothes, Debbie was ready and set to face the snow, well, almost ready. Lou looked at her and her choice of heels. Heels! What the hell!

"That's not gonna help. Unless you are planning to break your ankle, fall face first and be a snow statue"

Lou's words, which began as a professional talk turned sarcastic and teasing by the end of the sentence unbeknownst to her. That sarcasm and teasing was Lou's nature when she was with Debbie. It returned without her understanding.


"Heels? Really?"

"I don't have anything else"

"Where are your boots you wore yesterday?"

"It's dirty"

"Seriously?", Lou was amused. Why is the smartest person in the world behaving dumb. But smart Miller didn't realise her own change in mannerisms because of Debbie.

"Yeah really. Look", Debbie mistook Lou's sarcasm as genuine question and pointed at the boots in the corner of the room.

Lou sighed. Really, Debbie has become stupid. That's what Lou concluded.

"It doesn't matter if it is dirty. Just wear"


"What the-"

"It's dirty and also it's not really helpful. It is slippery"

"You still buy boots with lesser grooves in outsoles? I told you so many times it reduces friction"

"I know that, Einstein. But these boots are not bought by me. You got these boots for me as an apology for breaking my favourite vase", and just like that, Debbie's natural mannerism when she was with Lou, returned. Both didn't realise it.

Lou looked at the boots. Yup. It was gifted by her when she accidentally broke Debbie's favourite vase (family heritage. Her grandma got it from Germany).

"Well... You didn't reject. You decided to wear it. So, don't blame me"

"That's because it is so fucking stylish"

Lou rolled her eyes. "Whatever. No heels. Also, didn't you do any research before arriving here, big brain? This is Lorien. You can't wear heels. Only boots in this weather"

"I did my research. I am not you to dive in without any research"

"Then where the fuck are the boots, researcher?"

"There", Debbie again pointed at the dirty boots.

"You planned for a week long vacation here and got only one pair?"

"I got another pair too. These", Debbie pointed at the heels. "And I thought of buying whatever once I am here. I didn't expect to be caught in the middle of a storm. So, only these heels are the only remaining good pair now"

"Are you crazy? What happened to you?"

The question, though asked in not so serious way and definitely not referring to their life, somehow put an end to their banter. Unexpectedly Lou's question just became the questionnaire regarding their separation and life after that. And the discomfort and awkwardness returned back. Their natural compatible chemistry took backstage. There was silence.

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