
A slight shock rippled through him as he looked past the host club, seeing his sister walk towards them while tying the knot on her bathrobe that the resort supplied. His emotions slipped through his mask for a moment before he quickly disguised them again.

“Fuyumi,” he acknowledged with a slight nod.

Fuyumi smiled at him, her warm sisterly smile that always meant so much to him even if he said nothing about it. It was slightly comforting, especially now. She stood next to Haruhi and they shared a look, a knowing one. It was then that it hit him.

They were the ones who had come up with this. It was their plan to bring him closer to Hisoka, to appreciate her more. Hisoka hadn’t left by her own decision, she had persuasion.  Everyone had been in on it except for Tamaki and himself. It almost came as a blow when he finally understood.

He said nothing as he brushed past them, even Takashi let him pass. They watched his retreating back as he quickened his pace. He had to find her and get her home before they persuaded her to do anything else. He didn’t want to see a scandal come out of this.

He demanded to know the room number from the front desk who gave a spare key to him without hesitation. Nothing was going to get in his way. He took the key and kept increasing his pace until he stopped in front of the door. He stood for a full minute, just staring at it. What exactly could he start out with? How was she going to react?

He unlocked the door and opened it, not caring if he was loud. He wasn’t exactly being tactful but at this point, he was beyond caring. There was only getting Hisoka home and solving this mess.

At the sound of the door unlocking, Hisoka sat up in bed and glanced at the clock. It was still late in the evening and she was pretty sure room service only came in while she was gone. She frowned as she watched the figure enter the room. As soon as the lights were turned on though, her face drained of all color.

Kyoya was flustered. Hair a mess, clothes wrinkled, tie askew…and his face a bit flushed with color. However, to Hisoka, he looked angry. She jumped out of bed and backed against the far corner; afraid he might raise his voice or say how disappointed he was with her. She was beginning to shake, so afraid that she had upset him and that he was going to divorce her or kick her out….

His eyes widened when he saw her. How could he have not noticed her leaving? How could he have not noticing the state she was in? Small, pale, shaking, dark circles underneath her eyes…and most of all that shocked him, even made him step back a little to accept it…her swollen belly that seemed only more prominent by the nightgown she was wearing.

“Kyoya…” she breathed, beginning to panic. What could she say? All she could really do was apologize over and over and when the shock registered on his face, she knew that he finally understood that she was with child. His child. He would only be more upset that she hadn’t told him. Or what if he thought that she had cheated?

“Hisoka, I…” He tried to begin but words could not explain the many thoughts running through his head. Why wouldn’t she have told him? Had she…been with another man? How far along was she to begin with?

The distance between them closed within seconds as he approached her. She looked up at him, so afraid by what his reaction was. His eyebrows were drawn together as his steel gray eyes kept a steady gaze on her stomach.

“Whose is it?” He asked, finally looking up at her. His mouth tightened in a hard line, fearing the worst. It wouldn’t be hard to cover up if it wasn’t his but a part of him was hoping that is was his.

Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “It’s yours Kyoya,” she said in a small voice. An expression of hurt twisted her face, making Kyouya’s heart clench strangely. He frowned, ignoring the feeling.

“Have you been to a doctor? Do you know the conception date?” He asked, gaze flitting down to her stomach and back again.

“I…I haven’t gone yet,” she said truthfully, fidgeting. She knew she should have gone when she first found out but she was afraid of all the connections Kyoya had and his ability to find anything out.

He frowned deeply, trying very hard not to be overly angry with her.

“You have decided to not see a doctor about your condition and possibly endanger yourself and our child? You then further decide to let Haruhi and Fuyumi persuade you to lie to me and leave my side? Do you know the repercussions of your actions could cost us dearly? If the media got wind of this…” He said, looking angrier and angrier by the minute.

“I didn’t think…” She began but she was interrupted.

“Exactly. You didn’t think. You are coming home with me and tomorrow, we are going to the hospital,” he said, moving over to the dresser and opening the drawers. “Put on some clothes. I have will someone deliver the rest of these later.”

Hisoka’s face was dreadfully pale and she was still shaking. She slowly approached him as he found some clothes for her to wear and thrust them in her arms. His gaze held disappointment and a slightly bit of concern but he turned away quickly, waiting for her to change.

She changed quickly, tears brimming in her eyes. “Kyoya I only wanted to gain your attention. I didn’t know how you would react…”

“You should have told me,” he said flatly.

“I would have if you just let me,” she answered, straightening up. The tears escaped from her eyes and she brushed past him, heading out the door.

He followed after her, reaching out to grab her arm so she would stop a moment.

“Don’t Kyoya,” she said, trying to pull out of his grasp. “You don’t like discussing our relationship, remember?”

He stopped, surprise flitting across his features again. Unexpected of her again. He didn’t let go but she refused to turn and look at him. She pulled away from him and continued forward, not wiping her eyes even though they were blurring her vision. She tilted her head up in attempt to look strong even though she didn’t feel like it. She supposed this was what she had done in the first place instead of running.

“Hisoka…” Haruhi called out and stopped, seeing her face. She immediately glared at Kyoya who was still following after her. “You are a complete jerk, do you know that?”

“I’m quite aware Haruhi but I have half a mind to never speak to you again,” Kyoya said coolly without looking at her.

Hisoka moved through the host club and climbed into the car, moving to the far side and looking out the window. She didn’t say a word or move to look elsewhere. Kyoya climbed in the car after her without saying another word to the host club. He shut the door as the driver shifted into gear and began to drive away.

Kyoya kept looking at her and back down to her stomach. Father would be pleased of course but why did he have a strange clenching feeling in his heart? He was going to be a father and produce and heir, gain full control over the Ootori companies over his brothers. He should be happy, shouldn’t he?

Hisoka’s silent crying slowed on the way home but she still refused to look at Kyouya. It was late and she didn’t have a clear enough mind to talk this over with him. After the hospital maybe he would understand that it was his child and they could talk about this. She was going to try and make him listen this time. If he still felt the same way as before…she would attempt to get on with her own life as best she could. She was dreading it.

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