16= Finding new secrets

Start from the beginning

Hadees no. 6573)


If you haven't prayed yet, then I humbly request you to pray before reading this because your connection with
Allah Almighty is much more important. Remember, Salat is obligatory, this is not.



Mr.Adam offered him a towel as Badr was still shaking and trembling due to his wet state.
Mr. Adam suggested him to first change. But he refused by shaking his head vigorously.

"No, boss, I don't have much time to stay here", he said in a very serious tone as he lead Mr.Adam to the nearby sofa, "I have to tell you something important".

Mr. Adam got worried and bombarded Badr with various questions,
"What happened? Are you okay? Where were you? You know how much worried we were? What is the important news?
But most importantly are you okay?"

Mr. Adam asked as he looked at Badr scanning him from any injuries, "Are you hurt somewhere?"

Badr smiled at his boss and the heavy layer of concern in his tone. It warmed Badr that he cared about him that much. Badr loved him as a father too.

"I am fine, boss, Alhamdulillah. And about what happened, it started the day when_"

He stopped as he took a deep breath, he was unable to speak because of the sad and guilt feeling in his heart. He had seen the look of raw hurt in his best friend's face.

Only he and his Allah Knows how much it hurt him to not to go near him and to see that look in AbdulWadood's face. He wanted so bad to hug him and tell him how bad he had missed him.

But alas he couldn't do so. He didn't know how long he had to stay here. Those people were still after him or so he thought. He wasn't sure. He still had to make a round again to make sure they weren't following him.
But he didn't want to take a risk, too.

"Sir", he tried again, "Can you tell me from the start about the diary? I mean how you gave it to them? I know the best way to solve the things are to do it from the start. That's why I want you to narrate the whole thing if you don't mind".

"No, no it's okay", Mr.Adam smiled, " you are right, it's the best way to solve all the complicated puzzles we have indulged ourselves in".

Mr. Adam took a deep breath before he started speaking,

"I was one of the very first people who knew about this diary. Actually, I was in one of those very few people who knew about it all along", he had a distant look on his face as he continued.

"The diary was very important. And I was given the duty to protect it. I knew I'd be the first on the list they would doubt when they'd know about the diary or will start searching it. I wanted to keep that diary in a safe place. A place where they'd least expect".

Mr. Adam took a whole glass of water and looked at Badr, but still Badr could see that from the distant look in his eyes, his mind was on the memories, and this time Mr. Adam had a small smile on his face.

"AbdulRahman. He and I were best buddies from our childhood. I had a very close and a special bond with him. There was almost nothing I haven't shared with him. He knew about me all along.

When I mentioned him about the diary, he suggested me to give that diary to him. He is a very successful doctor, far away from the world we have indulged ourselves in".

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