[ Authentic Love ]

322 21 40

The Finale. 


"We have to go, George. Now." Dream grabbed George's hand and began leading him throughout the facility. 

George didn't question it, he trusted Dream with everything in him. 

They ended up at the weaponry, George watching as Dream packed multiple items on himself. 

A bow on his back, two switchblades onto his thigh which were both different sizes. He handed George a few weapons and he shook his head repeatedly in denial. 

Dream walked over to George and put the palm of his hand on the back of George's neck, bringing him close.

"Dream, no. I can't-" 

"Hey, George. Listen to me. I'll protect you. It's just in case something happens to me, okay?"

"Do you think something's going to happen to you?" George's voice dropped. 

Dream didn't answer. He pulled George into a passionate, sweet kiss. A small gesture, a small moment. But it was reassuring, it was authentic. 

George pulled away, their foreheads still touching. George's voice was low and vulnerable. "Please, just be honest with me Dream." 

"Be honest? You happened so fast. Whatever this is between us, I want it forever. I want to feel like this until my last breath."

A silent tear ran down George's cheek. "What if that's soon? You're last breath?"

"Then I'll feel it until then."

Dream took a small black bag off the wall and began stuffing it with food packs, water, bandages, and medicine. 

He slung it over his shoulders and took George's hand once again. 

The two raced down the never-ending empty hallways. 

There were so many emotions, so many thoughts. Neither of them had time to act on it, to think about any of this. 

They were met with a door that was full of rust. It looked like it hadn't been used in a while. A secret door, perhaps? 

"They won't be here, they are probably waiting at the main door. I don't think any of them know that we know about the plan." Dream began to try to get the door open. 

"Which is why we're running, not fighting?" George questioned him. 

"We can't take all of them. I'm good, but not that good. We're going to be on the run until we find a kingdom safe and far enough." 

George nodded as Dream opened the door. "Where will we stay until then?"

"I have a place that they really can't sneak up on us from, it'll take a while to get there. I have the coordinates." Dream pulled out a map from his backpack. 

George read the coordinates. "18,75,-9"

"Do you remember?" Dream smiled. 

"That's our spot." George smiled and responded back.

"Where we first kissed." Dream took hold of his hand and guided him out of the building. "We're going to stay there for a few hours. They'll search the agency since we haven't come out yet. When they are in there, we'll be on the move." 


It had been about two hours of walking and they had made it. It looked as enchanting as ever. The water was still and pure, reflecting the moonlight as it always has. 

The two took a seat on the oh-so-familiar rock. 

"It's crazy being back here. It feels like I never left, though." Dream laid his back on the rock.

George did the same, being exhausted from the travel here. 

"Dream, we're only here because you think we'll never get to see it again, right?" George looked over to see Dream nodding. 

"You were always so smart." Dream let out a sad chuckle. 

"Hey," George wrapped his hand in Dream's. "If you're feeling guilty, don't." 

"I want to protect you, I have to protect you. But I don't want to kill anymore - it seems so different now. These people, they're my family. I know all of them."

"I don't want you to kill for me." George brought Dream into a sweet kiss. It was nostalgic and refreshing. 

Dream broke the kiss and touched their heads together. "But you know I would, right? Kill for you?"

George let out a sweet giggle. "Yes, I know you would. But, I'd rather die with you than you have to make you turn back into a killing machine. Remember when you said you'd promise you'd find me in every lifetime here? Do you still think that?" 

Dream's eyes widened. "George, I think I have a plan." 


Another painful walk later, they had made it. Uncertainty and fear clouded the air. But it felt right, they knew it was the only option. 

Dream had pinged his radar about halfway through the walk - they would be here soon. 

George and Dream sat on the steep cliff, overlooking the world from below. The agency could only come from one direction, they couldn't sneak upon them. 

"I want to give you all of this." Dream looked at the Earth in its raw state. 

"You will." 

"Agent A1. You've come a long way." Dream heard a voice from behind them.

Dream and George turned to be met with dozens of people, bows, and swords aimed at them. 


"You see, I don't understand why all of that gear is on the ground. I think you'll need it." Technoblade snarled. 

"I won't. I'm not the person you forced me to be anymore." Dream spat back.

"Why? Because of love?" Technoblade laughed. "Listen here, love doesn't exist in your world. You've been told that." 

"My world? My world is what you created." Dream glanced at Punz. 

Punz gave him a sad glance, Dream nodded in forgiveness. It wasn't Punz's fault. He couldn't hold that grudge against him.

"When you're met with the choice of love and death, choose death, for love will only kill you too."

"I know." Dream wrapped his hand in George's. 

The two exchanged glances and nodded with a sad smile as they took steps backward, closer to the cliff's edge. 

"Dream-" Techno stepped closer. 

"You're scared, Techno. You need me. Not anymore. You're nothing." Dream shrugged with a smile of victory. 

George looked at Dream. "Dream?"

Dream looked at George. 

"Promise me you'll find me?" A tear ran down George's cheek. Not from fear - they had won. 

"In every lifetime, my love." Dream kissed his forehead before taking in a breath of air. 

The two gripped each other's hands harder and took more steps backward until there weren't any more steps left to take. 

Free falling. 


Two souls - now one with the universe and spirit. 

There was no fear, only peace, and love. A love so powerful that they would sacrifice their life for united eternity. 

Free at last. 

Free together.


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