[ Dead Man ]

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"Dream, come on, y-you don't want to do that."

Dream stayed silent and leaned in closer to George, switchblade in hand.

"Dream..Dre-", George was cut off with Dream making a large slash across George's arm. George couldn't prevent it, he was fully tied up. 

George was panting now. "Oh my god." He clenched his teeth together. 

Dream put his switchblade back on his vest and walked out the room. 

Like he had done nothing wrong. Emotionless. Silent. 

George eventually passed out from the blood loss. He knew it was coming, didn't know if he would wake up though. He was coming in and out of consciousness.


George abruptly woke up when the alcohol hit his wound.

 Dream was wrapping a white cloth around his cut, followed by a bowl of water and alcohol pads next to him.

Dream's head tilted to look at George for a moment, then back to the cut. 

George was screaming, kicking. This was the worst pain he had ever felt. 

"George, if you don't stop resisting it's going to hurt more."

"Maybe you shouldn't have done it in the first place!"

"Didn't have a choice." Dream applied water on the cut.

George grit his teeth together. "There's always a choice."

"Hmph." Dream rolled his eyes under his mask.

"What was that, Dream?"

"You wouldn't get it."

"Get what?" George shrugged his shoulders. 

Dream took his hands away from George's wound and balled his hand into a fist. "Because George! You have the life everyone wants. You get fed on a silver platter every single day. People wait on you left and right. You're important. Everyones searching for you right now. People know when you're missing. You probably forgot all about me."

"What do you mean, Dream?" George said under his breath.

"Just forget it."

"No, what did you mean by that?" 

"Fucking forget it!" Dream yelled and punched George in the jaw.

George was silent. There was no point in yelling anymore. No point in giving Dream another reason to shut him up.

George just stared into his lap, completely restrained. He looked hurt, emotionally. And that broke Dream in every way it could. 

A few moments passed. 

"G-George, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"I don't understand you." George cut Dream off. 


"I don't understand you. What? Are you going to bash my skull in and then hug me? Make up your fucking mind, A1."

Dream was shocked. Hurt. Angry. All of it. "Don't call me that."

"Or what?"

Dreams tone got more serious, deeper. "George."

"You got the rank because you're the best, correct?"

"I am."

"What makes you the best?"

"Stealth, agility, I'm guessing."

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