[ If You Love Someone ]

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(Dream Pov) 

I closed my eyes as I watched George fall unconscious. It hurt, it looked like he was dead. 

But he wasn't, I would never. He would only be asleep for around twelve hours. It gave me enough time to plan how to get him out of here. The last few days before someone's execution was the worse. They would torture you in any way they could, it was like playing with your food. 

I thought back to Tommy's execution. It was one of the most heartbreaking to watch. I don't know why it hurt me to watch. He was only a kid. He hadn't even lived yet.

 He had a lot of PTSD with explosions for some reason. They had placed him in a pitch-black room, you couldn't see a thing. They started playing sounds of explosions. It sounded so real. Even I jumped a few times. It was sort of an 8-D kind of thing. I could've sworn it followed Tommy wherever he walked. Tommy was screaming, and kicking, and was even curled on the floor. He was begging for it to stop, but Technoblade proceeded. 

The night before his execution, I went to his room. He was sat still, rocking back and forth. I couldn't watch that. I walked over to him, and he flinched when I reached my hand out to him. 

I explained to him to follow me, and stay as quiet as possible. It was vital for him to not make a single noise. I eventually got him out of the building and walked a couple of miles in the forest with him until he was close enough to get home on his own. He thanked me and was crying in gratefulness. I told him that if anyone shows up to the agency, or if he told anyone, I would kill him and everyone he loves without hesitation. He knew I was serious. He quickly nodded and began running home. 

The next morning, it was chaotic. Everyone was looking for him and trying to figure out how he escaped. I stayed quiet, nothing was tying me to Tommy's case. No one suspected me. Everyone came to the conclusion that he had escaped and died somewhere in the woods since no one came to the agency with pitchforks. 

But this time, I'm almost certain everyone would know how George escaped. Me. 

He would never be safe with me. As much as I wanted to scream to him that I loved him, and kiss him until I couldn't breathe and my lips were swollen from the constant contact of his, I couldn't. 

It was such a stupid idea. George and I would run away together? Live in a tiny cottage with cats? Please. The agency changed me in so many ways. I couldn't even control myself, I'm scared of what I would do to George. He just doesn't understand that. He knows what I'm capable but he still wants me. 


He's insane, that's why. He's blinded by love. 


He confessed his love to me and I stabbed a syringe into him. I guarantee when he wakes up, he'll still love me. 

I understand why you did it, Dream. It's not your fault. I could practically predict his words. 

Maybe it was some form of Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe he was smart, he knew what he was doing. Could it all be an act to escape? Am I falling right into it? 

If it was, it was working. I could care less. Even if this was a one-sided love, I still wanted him out of here. He deserves so much more. I love him more than anything anyone could offer me. 

George was right, it was cliche. But if you love someone, you let them go. 

If you love someone, you keep them safe. 

If you love someone, you would sacrifice your life for theirs. 

 I know there's a chance I'll die. No, scratch that. I know I'll die. That's okay, George will live. 

I'm planning on sneaking him out of the agency while he's still under. He won't resist or try to change my mind that way. I wouldn't be able to say no to him. 

I'll leave him somewhere safe, but close enough for his father and the soldiers to find him. 

He'll be okay. His father will take him home, and he'll eventually become king in years to come. He'll find a beautiful man or woman to marry, and he'll have children. He'll have everything he deserves. Just not with me. 

I brushed the hair out of his face and handcuffed one of his hands to the bed frame, just in case he wakes up early. 

I made my way out of the room and went to the community room. A few agents were in there already, I spotted Punz drinking a coffee. I made my way over to him, and everyone else walked out of the room. 

They were all scared to be in the same room as me. Part of it hurt, but the other part boosted my ego even more. Punz wasn't scared though. He saw right through me. He knew everything about me, I talked to him about sneaking George a while ago. I could trust him. It wasn't his problem, he didn't care. He obviously tried to convince me to not go through with it though. We both know I'm going to die. 

"What's up?" Punz greeted, sipping his coffee. 

"Hey," I cracked my neck. "George is going to be out for a while. I have to do this soon."

"I still don't think this is safe, dude. Are you sure about this?"

"One of us is going to die regardless. I'd rather it be me." 

Punz nodded in defeat. "Love's going to get you killed."

I laughed. "Then so be it."

I then told Punz the entire plan. Where I was going to leave George, what time I was leaving, and so on.

I didn't know it then, I should've. You can only ever trust yourself. I let my guard down. I was stupid, I should have known by now. 

Punz was going to betray me. I didn't realize until it was too late. 

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