[ Purple Bruises ]

320 19 8

cw - suggestive/ minor amount of smut 



I sat in my room, scribbling mindlessly on a piece of paper. Everyone had a room in the agency. Almost every agent lived here. Eat, sleep, shower.  Home is where the heart is, right?

It had been almost four hours since George was knocked out. Everyone was supposed to be gone by now. They had this huge mission they needed to take care of somewhere in the east land. No one told me what it was, apparently, it didn't concern me and it was "top secret."  

I crumbled up the piece of paper I was writing on and threw it behind me. I got up and started pacing around my room. 

Just fucking leave. 

I couldn't take it anymore. George would wake up soon. I was sneaky enough, it shouldn't be hard. I could do this. 

I walked out of my room, carefully opening and closing the door. I started walking down the long hallway, passing by everyone's room units. It looked like everyone had finally left. 

A few minutes later, I was outside of George's room. That was the easy parent, all of the agents were in the weaponry, the complete opposite side of the hostage's. 

I took a breath and opened the door to George's room. He was still asleep. That was good. Easy to carry, and I could be silent. 

I sat on the bed next to him and tried to find the lamp on the nightstand. It was completely dark in his room, I could've sworn I left this lamp on when I left a few hours ago. Weird. 

I eventually found it and clicked the switch on. I directed my attention back to George. 

"Oh, god. George!" My hands rushed to examine his face. 

He had a bloody nose, slightly purple bruises around his face and fresh tears were still on his face. 

He wasn't asleep at all, he was just terrified of who he thought walked in the room. 

"Dream?" George said under his breath. It was clear he was still high from the drugs that were supposed to keep him knocked out. 

"George.." I place one hand on his cheek, and the other under his chin. I lifted his head up to examine his nose. It wasn't broken, but he was definitely in pain. 

"Dream..you have to go." George took my hands off of his face and looked at me. His eyes could read everything about me. They look right through me. 

"Shhh..It's okay. Just tell me wh-" 

"Dream, it's a trap. Leave, you have to leav-" I put my hands over his mouth. He was getting loud. 

I cut him off, not even listening to him. I wasn't concerned about that. "George, tell me who did this to you." 

He shook his head. 

"I'm serious, you have to go now. They are going to kill you." George ordered me. 

"I'm not scared of anyone, are you?" I brushed a piece of hair behind his ears. 

He shook his head once again. "Not when I'm with you." 

I planted a kiss on his forehead. "Good, you shouldn't be. We have to go, love."

"Go? Where?"

"Where I was going to take you when I drugged you."

"No..what about you?" George asked concerned. He looked deep in thought after that. "You drugged me..why?"

"Because you would resist."

"So you just took away my free will?" George rolled his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to do what's best for you." 

"And what is that, Clay? Take me back home and I'll never know what happened to you again? I just go on with my life and act like none of this happened? I'll pretend I didn't find you again? That I don't love you?"

My face heated up at the sound of my name. For some reason, It didn't have a dark cloud over it anymore. It felt free coming from his mouth. 

"Say that again." 

George squinted his eyes in confusion. "Say what?"

"My name..say it again."

George smiled like he knew he had me wrapped around his finger. He did. "Clay.."

I put my hand against the back of his neck and brought him closer to me. I connected our lips and could feel him smiling through the kiss. George brought his hands up to my face, one on my waist. I lowered my lips to his neck, turning his bruises into hickeys. I did the same to his collarbone, I could hear him letting small breaths of pleasure out. He had his hand through my hair, I could almost hear his heart pounding by how close I was to it. 

Once I was done, I looked at what I had done. George looked confused, but not disappointed. 

"And what was that for?" George smiled through his teeth. His face was an intense shade of pink. 

"Only I can leave marks on you, had to cover them up." I laughed at how bold the statement was. 

George mustered out a small 'oh my god' and covered his flustered face. 

I lowered his hands. "Let me look at you. You're a mess." I laughed. 

"Shut up, Dream."

"What, Georgie? Has no one ever touched you like that?"

He shook his head, I think he was scared that he couldn't form a sentence. 

I wrapped my hands in his, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. His hands were so small in mine, but they fit so perfectly. "You know I love you, right?"

"You've never said it.."

I shrugged and looked away. 

George put his hand under my chin and directed my face back to his. "I want to hear you say it." 

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Do you?"

He nodded. 

"I love you, George."

He smiled in shock and happiness. 

"Okay, okay. Get that smile off your face. We have to go." I got off the bed and extended my hand for him to grab it. 

He shook his head and folded his arms. "Where are we going?"

"You're going home."

"No, I don't want to." He refused. 

"It wasn't a question, Georgie."

"What if you come with me?"

"To your kingdom? I couldn't."

"Well, what if we travel to a new kingdom? One far enough away where no one will know us. It'll just be me and you." He suggested and pleaded. 


"Please, Clay. Just me and you."

"God, you're impossible." I smiled. "Fine. But we have to go fast."

He smiled and took my hand.

We began making our way to his door when I stopped. "Wait, George. What trap were you talking about?"

"They know..all of them know you're trying to get me out of here."

I paused and everything made sense all of a sudden. "The mission." 

"The what?" George questioned. 

"The agency..they have a mission tonight. That's why they aren't here."

George's eyes widened in shock. "The mission is you, Dream. You're the target."

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