Chapter 1: Greetings

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Prime's POV
It was a clear day in Nevada and it was quite peaceful at the moment, nothing happening with the remaining Decepticons and nothing happening that need our full attention in the world. I and Bee were playing holographic cards and I was currently winning while Bee kept saying that I was cheating. "I am not cheating Bee. I am be strategic and planning my moves, unlike you, who keeps placing random cards in all the wrong places for you to win." I explained to him. He hit the table and stood up, leaving and I shook my head, turning off the game before getting up and walking over to the human officials of the base. "Any activity?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips and looking at the small beings, awaiting an answer from one of them. "Nothing but a small signal from space that our satellites picked up, but it was just an asteroid that should miss Earth." The military captain explained. I nodded a little before heading out of the base and looking up at the sky, seeing the sun and a bright dot enter the atmosphere. I narrowed my optics and tilted my helm to the side before entering the base again and informing the humans of the object coming towards the earth. Everyone headed out of the base just in time to see the object enter the atmosphere and start picking up speed.

"Bee, calculate how fast that object is going and try to figure out what it is and whether it dangerous or not." I commanded. Bee nodded and did as I said before saying that the object was going at over 100mph and seemed to be an asteroid. I looked back at the humans and they looked up at me with the same confused expression I had on my face. Before we knew it, the asteroid hit the Earth not to far from our base and caused the ground to shake and dirt started raining on us for a few seconds. When everything cleared up, I looked towards the asteroid and hurried over to investigate with Bee following closely behind me. I stopped a few feet from the asteroid and examined it carefully before kneeling down on one knee and tapping the asteroid a bit. I jumped back when it suddenly cracked up to reveal a being inside of it, one that looked like the rest of us but...female? I kicked the rock aside and the feminine bot fell to the ground, obviously shut down and her spark didn't seem to be running. I looked towards Bee and the others when they arrived before looking back at the bot and kneeling down again. I brushed off some of the dirt on her and saw the marking of a crescent moon with a star above it and below it. I gently picked up the bot and turned to the others, watching their expressions carefully until one of the humans spoke up. "Is it dangerous?" The captain asked. "No, she is not dangerous. She comes from one of the most peaceful planets in cybertronian history. Why she came here is beyond me. We must take her back to the base and try to get her spark running again. Maybe we can get some answers from her." I said before walking towards the base with the broken down bot in my arms, limp and stiff. 'Must have been in that asteroid for quite some time.' I thought as I entered the base and hooked her up to my charging station to see if that would work. Now, we had to wait.

Y/n's POV
My eyes shot up as my spark shot up and I felt and rush of electricity start running through me. I disconnected from whatever mechanism was holding me and fell forward, landing hard on the cement floor with a clang of my stiff, metal joints starting to loosen up now that I functioning again. I heard a pair of footsteps approaching me and I quickly clambered to my feet before seeing a taller, red and blue, masculine bot standing in front of me. Just his posture screamed leadership so when more bots entered whatever building I was in, I assumed they followed whatever orders he gave. When I saw much smaller beings standing beside the male bot, I stumbled backwards and almost fell but was quickly caught by the waist by the leader of this group. I got to my feet with his help and our optics met, his were bright blue while mine were f/c. "who are you?" He asked, his voice deep and demanding, making me straighten myself up before answering. "I'm y/n. I come from the planet of Galact. Who are you and where am I?" I asked, needing answers because I had no idea where I was or who these bots were. "My name is Optimus Prime. You are on the planet called Earth." The bot, Optimus, said. I nodded a little before looking around. "Why have you come to Earth, y/n?" Optimus asked.

I looked at him again and thought about my planet, looking at the floor. "What has happened to Galact?" He asked again. I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes. "A being called The Creator came and destroyed my planet. I was fortunate to escape but everyone else, not so lucky." I answered before looking to the side. "We are sorry to hear about the ending of your planet. I'm sure that you will be able to stay here as long as you need to." Optimus said before looking at the small beings beside him. They climbed a ladder to get to my height and looked at me. "You may stay here, but we would like to know more about you and your people and how you bots are different from the cybertronians and the decepticons." The human said. I looked at Optimus and then at the human again before nodding a little in agreement to the human's request. "I can do that." I said simply before watching them exchange looks with everyone else. I felt like an outcast here. Optimus put my hands together before stepping towards me, extending a hand. "Come, I'll show you where you can stay." He said. I felt a sense of trust and peace around this Autobot. I smiled a little before nodding and allowing him to show the way before I looked at everyone else and giving a small wave, following after Optimus after he started to walk and I gave everyone a small smile.

Prime's POV
I led y/n to my chambers and held the door for her, allowing her to enter before entering behind her and watching as she looked around the room curiously. "You can stay in my chambers for as long as you need to or at least until we can make a room for you." I said. She turned me and nodded a little. Before I knew it, she was hugging me. I knew the Galact people were a peaceful community but I would have never expected them to like physical contact, especially after what she had to go through. I slowly put my arms around her and smiled a little before patting her back a little and letting her go when she removed her arms from around me. "Thank you, Optimus. I would have never expected such hospitality from a different bot other than a galactian. I am very appreciative of what you've done for me already." She said, smiling a little. I couldn't help the small smile coming to my face and I nodded a little. "You may be from a different planet from me but you are still a bot like me and deserve the same treatment as my team. Now, please, make yourself comfortable and get charged up. I'm sure you need it despite being shut down from a decade." I explained. She let me go and nodded a little before looking around the room again and sitting down on the bearth.

I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her. She was such a magnificent looking bot, it's not everyday that you meet a bot from another planet, and it's definitely not everyday that you meet a female bot. Not many exist anymore. The majority of the female bots lived on cybertron and when Megatron took over and destroyed the planet, no females survived and neither did the sparklings. I shook the thought away before turning my attention back to Y/n, her eyes meeting mine and it felt like a shock of electricity went through my body. I cleared my throat and looked away before turning to leave the room. "Um, Optimus?" I heard Y/n say, making me look at her over my shoulder. "Could you stay in here? I would feel safer with a familiar face around instead of being alone." She said. I nodded and walked away from the door, taking a seat in a chair near the bed. What confused me was when she said 'familiar face'. Then it hit me. That's why i recognized her. We had met before when we were sparklings. We used to be best friends actually. And now to see her so grown and upgraded, I found it a little difficult to recognize her. She laid back on the bearth and looked at me again. "Goodnight, Primey." She said before going into recharge. I smiled a little more at the nickname she had given me when we hung out together and trained. I watched her rest before deciding to go into recharge myself.

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