Mission in The Land of Hot Water (Chapter 3)

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"So, sensei" Jiraiya's ears perked up "yea?" "What are you going to be teaching me now?" "Well Naruto, I was actually just going to have you do missions for the next two weeks to gain experience as I have to meet with some of my contacts on the Akatsuki".

(1 day later)

Naruto was walking next to a merchant by the name of Ryuk Kagetsu and had his eyes wide open as he didn't want to mess up his first mission as an unaffiliated ninja because growing a reputation would help with getting better missions in the future. "So your name is Naruto, eh?" "Yes, it is Ryuk Sama".

"I was going to ask Ryuk, for this B rank mission, who exactly is targeting you?" Naruto asked the gray-haired merchant. "Well, a man by the name of Mangetsu who has always had a monopoly over the rare earth material trade within my village. He wants me eliminated to keep out competition, to maintain his hegemony" the man finished as the duo continued walking down the dirt trail.

"STOP!" Naruto shouted to Ryuk who immediately stopped. "Why'd we stop?" the man asked. "That's why," Naruto said, pointing to a rustling bush that burst with about ten bandits. The Kyuubi container stared down at the bandits, "leave us". "Hmmph theirs ten of us," one bandit said waving his hand as if to motion Naruto's view to the bandits "and one small blonde who has to guard an old man" the bandit finished with a grin present on his misshapen face.

Naruto spoke "I wouldn't doubt me if I were you, but let me tell you this move now or I will kill you", Ryuk shivered at the tone of the blonde. "Eh C, I see we got a feisty one here, lets's kill them both ahahah". The ten bandits rushed forward with the intent to kill the duo.

Naruto's mind immediately went into overdrive, he had no doubt he could take all ten on, but he needed to make sure his client was safe. As the bandits were about to be within arms reach, Naruto created two Kage buunshin to guard the client while he himself blurred out of sight. Before one bandit knew it Naruto had planted his kunai in one bandit's throat causing blood to spurt out before the man slumped over and died. The nine other bandits backed away as if to gain space between Naruto and them, but it was futile as he blurred out of their sight once again. Naruto aimed a kick to one's jaw sending him upward, then had two shadow clones kick the man from one his stomach and the second one his back as they broke his spine and knocked the air out of him causing him to crumple to the ground dead.

In a chance against the odds, the other surged forward as if to avenge their fallen comrades. Two were intercepted by two rasengan-wielding clones who slammed their respective jutsus into the bandit's faces making them implode with a sickening "boof". The other six finally regathered their wits just to stop short as their eyes widened, when Naruto had blurred out of their sight.

In a matter of seconds, all six lay before Naruto with various broken and internal organ damage. "Please spare us" one begged, Naruto scowled before saying "Stop begging, now die!" The Kyuubi container shouted, throwing five kunai each hitting their intended target, leaving one alive.

"I allowed you to live for one reason and one reason only, go tell your boss Mangetsu to leave my client and me or else I will kill him myself. Do I make myself clear?" "Ye... Yess" the bandit replied with a weak stutter before stumbling away with his hand against his stomach.

(Two hours later)

Naruto had just set up Ryuk and his campsite with Kage buunshin guarding all around it, so they weren't unguarded. "Naruto, may I ask you a question about ninjas that I, as a merchant, have always wondered?" the merchant asked in his usual tone.

Naruto raised his eyebrow, "sure I don't care, ask me whatever". "Well, I always wondered how do you ninja kill it seems without care as in it doesn't affect you. Do you ever wonder about the families of those you have killed?"

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