Training Begins (Chapter 2)

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Naruto awoke in a murky sewer, "where the hell am I?" he spoke in a bored and tired tone. "So it seems my jailor accepted my invitation, I see." Naruto froze up and looked forward to seeing a giant fox behind bars. "What do you want, are you going to make fun of me for moping or something you damn fox?" the whiskered blonde asked his tenant. "No, I simply came to give some advice for your upcoming training with your sensei of sorts, you can use your shadow clones to gain experience faster thus increasing your training in everything other than muscle strength and speed for obvious reasons". Naruto looked at the fox with wide eyes, "sometimes I wonder why I had to get sealed into you stupid brat, you make me yearn for my previous containers".

Naruto spoke in full surprise "wait for one why are you helping me? And two what do you mean previous containers?" The fox spoke "to answer your first question the reason I gave you that advice is I'd much rather stay sealed in you than getting sealed in what I think that organization that is after you will seal me in if they get me. Two that is a question for another time". "Fair enough and in a way fox you're probably the only person who's been completely straight the few times we've talked, so I- uh thank" Naruto said in a light voice. "I don't need to be thanked by a stupid human like you, now get out of here" the fox ejected Naruto waking him up to see Jiraiya writing some stuff on a little notepad.

"Pervy Sage, can we talk?" Jiraiya looked down at the blonde who looked like he had just woken up, it was good to see he still had a little bit of his spunk left even if it was calling him that annoying nickname. "Yea what is it Naruto?" the perverted hermit asked. "Well I just talked to the fox and he mentioned that when doing all, but physical training I can use shadow clones to gain experience much faster and another thing that has been bothering, me since he mentioned it yet wouldn't elaborate on it. He also mentioned that he had previous "containers", what did he exactly mean by that?"

Jiraiya had stayed calm and planned on telling Naruto after he was done talking that the fox was right and he himself had planned on implementing the shadow clone method in Naruto's training, but he froze and had to force himself to stay calm when Naruto mentioned the previous "containters" of the Nine-Tails. He made sure to choose his words carefully, "well Naruto the shadow clone method will work and I planned on using it myself for you and on the previous "containers", remember he is the Nine-Tailed Fox and only cares about his own survival". Naruto scowled at the end, but then said "whatever, so what do you plan on teaching me now?"

Jiraiya was relieved that Naruto had dropped the subject, he knew Naruto wasn't ready to learn about Kushina yet. "Well during this training trip as a whole, I'm going to be putting a heavy emphasis on your taijutsu, then your ninjutsu/chakra control, teaching some fuinjutsu, teaching you stealth so you disappear where trackers can't find you if you're on the run, and simply getting you to read. "I mean for the next month pervy sage what will you be teaching me, since if it's just chakra control you're just going to be another Kakashi minus the not doing anything for me part". "Well Naruto I did plan on working on your chakra control this month but not in the way you think, I'm simply going to get you to learn how to make your Rasengan one-handed and quick for combat". "Fair enough, but for making my taijutsu not suck won't I need to continue to build speed?", "yea you will Naruto that's why" Jiraiya pulled out a pair of metal weights, "I will be having you wear weights and as you progress we will be upping them for you to increase your speed, so let's begin".

It had been 5 days since Naruto had started his training and he could honestly say despite the pain and exhaustion he already saw improvement. Naruto would wake up every day at 6 am, put on his weights and go on a 2.5-hour run to see how many laps he could do in the time. Afterward, he would get a 15-minute break to recover then he would one on one spar with Jiraiya while standing on water for thirty minutes. When completed, he would get five minutes to recover till he would make fifty shadow clones who would all practice basic taijutsu katas for one and a half hours, then all those clones would practice throwing shuriken and kunai at targets for twenty minutes, when completed Naruto would dispel his clones and promptly pass out for two hours.

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