Part 2, Chapter 15

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Third Person POV

"Daisy, put me down." 

"No. We're almost there."

"Daisy, it's been about a week. I can walk. I'm not some helpless child."

"Oh, really? Then why do you look like one?"

Dimentio and Daisy slowly made their way towards the Mushroom Kingdom over the past few days. The pain mostly had subsided, but Daisy still insisted on carrying him.

Dimentio still couldn't really use his Magic, but he was desperately trying. He needed his powers if he was going to get that book away.

Daisy suddenly dropped him. He fell onto his back with a thump. "Ow! What the heck!" He cried. She smirked. "We're here."

She pointed forward. Dimentio squinted his eyes. Through the trees he could see the top of Peach's castle.

"We appear to be on a hill. I bet you could see the whole kingdom from up here. It'll be a good place to try and spot Luigi."

Dimentio nodded and let out a shaky breath. "I know exactly where he'll be. He'll be with his brother in that one person's house. But I still can't really use my magic..." She nodded in understanding. "Well, maybe we'll be able to talk him out of this or something. The important thing is that we find him."

Daisy started forward. The two made their way to the edge of the woods. There was an opening in the trees, leading to a meadow on top of the hill. Suddenly, Daisy grabbed Dimentio and forced him down behind a bush.

"Hey! what are-" He started, when she covered his mouth and pointed forward.

Dimentio's eyes went wide as he removed Daisy's hand from his masked face. "....It's Luigi...." He muttered. "I haven't seen him since....." 

Daisy squinted her eyes.

"Who's he with?" She asked. Dimentio took a closer look. "I can't tell. From my angle, Luigi's body is blocking them. But I can clearly see that he's with someone. It looks like they're a hostage or something." Daisy nodded, then turned to Dimentio.

"Okay, what's the plan? Hit me, but not literally." He softly chuckled. "Okay, well...." He closed his eyes and focused.

"I....I can feel my magic slowly returning, but it's not enough yet. Teleporting people and items takes a short burst of energy, which I probably wouldn't be able to produce at the moment. So right now, our primary goal should be to save the hostage." She nodded. "I agree. So....I go out and confront him, you stay here and do whatever weird magician stuff you can do? I mean, he thinks you're dead, so I think it'll be best if you stay hidden."

Dimentio nodded. "Alright. I'll do what I can from back here. Just distract him and I'll find a way to get the hostage to safety."

The force around Mr. L squeezed tighter and tighter. "Luigi....please...." He whispered. Luigi had that insane look in his eye. It wasn't guilt, regret, happiness, anger, sadness, ANYTHING! It was just, insanity.

"HEY!" Came a voice. Luigi's smile suddenly faded. The force squeezing around L slightly loosened.


Mr. L looked up and over, to see that girl. That girl from all that time ago.

She drew her sword and got into a fighting stance. Luigi turned to completely face her now. He clicked his tongue. "Oh, Daisy. My old friend, good to see you!"

Dimentio stood behind a tree, careful to stay out of sight. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and gently tried focusing on the hostage. Though he couldn't see them, he could feel the presence of the magic being wrapped around them.

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