Part 2, Chapter 2

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I returned the money, then went home to get some rest. I lived in a tiny little apartment because that's all I could really afford. Being a normal person sucks. You have to pay rent, get a job, all this junk. I couldn't even afford to buy parts to make another robot or anything. I could steal some, but I've been being careful about what I steal, since I could get fired if people found out I was a thief.

Anyway, I had to figure out what was up with that girl. She acted like she knew Luigi, and she saw him about a month ago, so we must have gotten separated at the Ultimate Show or something. But... she mentioned a book. A book changing him or something. That couldn't be good. She said she was looking for him and worried about him. I wonder what happened to him.

It doesn't matter. As long as he stays out of my life, I'm fine. I hope that girl doesn't keep bothering me. I want nothing to do with Luigi or Mario, or anyone!

I woke up the next day and made my way over to work. When I arrived, I saw a bunch of....toads. There was a female, shoving a wanted poster in Val's face. I could see tears in her eyes. What the heck?  She wasn't getting arrested, was she? I quickly ran in.

"Hey, whoa, what's going on here? Leave her alone!" I called. A female toad turned to me, then shouted, "THERE HE IS, GET HIM!"

I cocked my head to the side, when about five toads tackled me to the ground and started tying my wrists behind my back. Val looked at me, shock and fear in her eyes. "L, L! They're saying you're a criminal! Tell them they must be mistaken!" She cried. 

I squirmed. "Don't call me L, and hey! Unhand me! I have no quarrel with you!"

The female toad snapped her fingers. "Gag him." Suddenly, a toad stuffed a gag into my mouth. Val covered her mouth in shock. "W-What are you doing to him! He's not some master criminal! Let him go!"

The female toad crossed her arms. "Sorry Ma'am. But we received a call saying that the unstable plumber was spotted here. You clearly don't know your friend at all. We're taking him in."

I squirmed. Unstable plumber?? What the heck was happening. I saw Val grab the toad's arm. "I can't just let you take him! He's innocent!" 

Unstable plumber. They couldn't mean-

"He's been at the top of our wanted list for years. He's anything but innocent. Now, boys, let's go. We've got to bring the Man in Green back to the Mushroom Kingdom."

No! They couldn't take me there! I spat the gag out. "Hey! You're not taking me anywhere!"

I heard the toad laugh. "Oh ho, feisty. I'm not letting you get away this time. I'm going to take pleasure in finally turning you in." I snarled as two toads picked me up by the shoulders and started dragging me away. I began frantically kicking my legs. This could not be happening. "Whoa! Hey now, you've got the wrong guy!"


My hands started glowing green. I could probably take all these guys down, even though it had been so long since I used my thunderhand.

The female toad nodded her head. "Yes. We know exactly who we're dealing with." She pulled out a strange taser looking device. "Now, this taser was designed for your friend, but I found it to be very effective for knocking out regular people as well." My eyes went wide as she approached me. Did she say it was designed for my 'friend'? What friend? What was even happening?

If my hands weren't tied behind my back, I could easily get out of this, but there was no escape. Two toads held me tightly as the girl thrust the taser into my stomach. 

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