Chapter 10 "Familiar"

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Daisy POV

I ran. How could I just abandon ship like that. 

That's all I ever do. Run away. Whatever. I ran as far as I could. I hate those Mushroom Kingdom people. I hate them. 

I spent about a week hiding in town. When I returned to my hideout I found that it had been searched and basically destroyed. 

How frustrating. I spent years on that hideout, and they just show up and take it away.

Whatever. I wandered the town. I was going to steal some supplies, then search for a new place to set up camp. I made my way in when I found a wanted poster. Not that it was important. I've seen wanted posters all the time. In fact, I myself had a few, but this one was different. There were two people on this poster.

I snatched it and read it. The headline was, "WANTED, PSYCHO CLOWN AND MENTALLY UNSTABLE MAN ON THE LOOSE. PLEASE TURN IN TO THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM UNDER PRINCESS PEACH'S ORDER. MAKE SURE THE MAN IS UNHARMED." Below were two pictures, which very closely resembled Luigi and Dimentio.

Were they really on the run? Dimentio did say that they were accused of being these people, but they look so similar. Could it really be them? Their names weren't mentioned on the poster.

I shrugged it off, took the poster, and left. Who knows where I'm heading. Just away from here.

Dimentio POV

We've been staying here for about two weeks now. I know we should be making a plan, but honestly, we've hit a road block. No way we can go to the Underwhere. They'd just lock me up and put me back. I can't go back. Not yet. I hate it down there. Luigi needs to find someone else to do it.

Luigi seemed to be getting bored with just sitting around, waiting for a plan to form, so I offered to go to the bar. Seems like a good way to take our minds off of the situation for a bit. 

We walked in. There was music, and a few people were mindlessly dancing their troubles away. Another group of people were drinking their sorrows away.

I don't drink. When I was younger I would see angry adults throwing broken bottles around. I never wanted to become that, so I never drank. It was just something I never did.

Luigi looked happy. I think this was the first time in a while he's been out in public just to have fun. I mean, same for me. Before this I was just wasting away in the Underwhere.

He held his hand out to me. 

"Hey Dim, wanna dance?"

I froze. Did he just call me 'Dim?' 

I think he could see the slightly saddened expression on my face. "What's wrong?" He asked me. I looked up and met his eyes.

He had the same eyes as L. It was funny how similar they were, but how different at the same time. I had to keep reminding myself that Luigi was not L.

"Did you just call me.... Dim?" I asked. He smiled. 

"Ah, yeah. Dim is just faster to say."

I looked down. That's almost word for word what L said when I asked him why he called me 'Dim.' 

"It's old friend use to call me that." 

Luigi took my hands and we started dancing. "Oh really? Who?" He asked. I smiled a sad smile. "L did." I looked into Luigi's eyes again. "You have the same eyes. The same face. You remind me of him so much." 

Luigi smiled. Now their smiles were different. Luigi's smile was more goofy. More light. L almost never smiled, but when he did, it lit up the whole room. His smile was powerful and fierce. Luigi began talking again, "Are you alright? You seem sad." I looked down. "It just hurts a little. He was my only friend, and I...." I let out a breath I seemed to be holding in. He lifted my chin so our eyes would meet. "Hey, I'm you friend. You can talk to me."

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