Chapter 3

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Luigi POV

It was nighttime, so everyone in Flipside was pretty much asleep. That was a good thing, because if someone knew what I was doing, they would surely stop me. I wore a black cloak around me to help myself blend into the dark. I couldn't risk being caught.

For Mario.

I approached the Dimensional doorway. The one leading to the Underwhere. I let out a sigh. "I can still turn back. Go home and find another way," I told myself, but no. I needed to do this. I needed to be brave. I was out of ideas.

I stepped through.

I navigated my way through the Underwhere, all the way to Queen Jades. I knew she was always busy, but this was important. I ran up to her, through her castle. "Queen Jades, Your Majesty, I need your help!" She turned around to face me. I started sweating. She wasn't evil or anything, but she still was terrifying.

"Now, Now, I don't have time for.... Oh, I remember you." She said once she saw me. I smiled, "Yeah, it's been a while. Listen, something really bad has happened, and I really need to talk to him." Her smile faded. "Him, whoever are you referring to.....NO." 

"Okay, okay, I know he's dangerous and I know that there's a reason he's locked up, but I really need his help. I don't know anyone else who can do magic like him. He's read through the Dark Prognosticus. He knows stuff," I argued. She turned away from me. "Absolutely not. That is not an option."

Her eyes then softened. "I'm sorry, Man in Green. As Queen of the Underwhere, I have to take precautions. We can't just let anyone talk to him." I looked down. This was the answer I was pretty much expecting. "Alright, thank you for your time." I said, before turning and heading back.

"Looks like I have to do this the hard way...." I said, making my way for the River of Twygz. I had to take a few deep breaths. "I got this, I got this, I got this," I told myself as I approached the River. I looked down. The purple, murky waters sent chills down my spine. "" I took a deep breath. I made sure to savor it, because it very well could be my last. "Two..." I prepared to dive.


I jumped in, swimming straight towards the bottom as fast as I could. I made sure to avoid all the skeletal hands reaching for me, trying to drown me. I kept swimming, the world getting darker and darker. I could see the bottom. Almost there.

I made it. Suddenly I fell to the ground and the water was over my head! Yes! However, my celebration was cut short by a D-man. "Hey! You're not supposed to be in here!" He called. I looked over at him, then looked down. "Okay, I'm really really sorry about this," I said. The D-man approached me, when I activated my thunderhand. 

I started firing at him and all the other D-men. "I'm really sorry everyone," The first D man called out for backup, right before he passed out. I made sure to get everyone.

I needed to talk to him.

My eyes began to water. "I really don't want to do this," I said, as I took down the last D-man. "But I have no choice." The final D-man dropped to the floor. I looked around at them all. I really hoped that they were just knocked out, and not dead. I sighed, and moved forward, down to where the Underwhere kept the worst of the worst.

??? POV

I sat in my cell. It was the same thing everyday. I was laying down on the floor, my feet kicked up against the wall, tossing an apple, which was given to me for breakfast today. I liked when they gave me apples. It was way better than the rest of the gross prison food, plus they were fun to play with. A good way to pass the time, which I had loads of.

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