Chapter 5

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Third Person POV

Word traveled fast through all the Kingdoms of the land. Peach made an announcement that there were two people loose. An unstable plumber likely dressed in green, and a psychotic clown. The word spread to be on the lookout, and if they were spotted, to have them turned into her.

She was really concerned for Luigi. She knew that he must be in a lot of pain because he lost his brother, but to do that?? It was unbelievable. He was her friend! "Find them! Bring them to me, but make sure not to cause the Man in Green any harm. Please."

Luigi POV

Dimentio teleported us to who knows where. Looked like a desert. I fell down onto my face while he floated in the air. "Ah, sweet freedom." He chimed. I picked myself up, then looked down at my hands. "I-I can't believe I did that." Dimentio smiled over at me. "Look! I can use my magic again! Ah ha ha ha! This is going to be fun! Now, what's it you need from me?" I looked over at him. "Wait, you mean you're actually sticking with me and helping me?" He smiled and playfully turned himself upside down, tossing a magic projectile around. "Why, of course. You did break me out after all." I smiled. A part of me really did expect him to leave. "Oh, thank you!" I beamed. I ran in for a hug, but he teleported about three feet away. "Whoa, don't push it."

I explained my situation to him, telling him exactly what happened to Mario. 

"So you're telling me that Mario, your brother, was killed by a child. Mario, the man who goes on all these adventures, was killed by a LITERAL CHILD?" I looked down. "Well, the kid was 16. So not really a child." "AH HA HA HA! WOW, I WANNA MEET THIS KID."

I shuddered. I knew Varian felt guilty, but I don't care. That kid took my brother away. He deserves to rot in prison. "Well, can you fix it?" Dimentio shook his head. "It sounds like his soul shattered with that gun. There is nothing in the Dark Prognosticus, or the light Prognosticus for that matter, which could bring him back."

My heart shattered. "W-what?"

So I just did all that for nothing??

Dimentio nodded. "Sorry, but unless you are able to get his soul back, you're....wait." I looked up, hope in my eyes. "What? What is it??" Dimentio began to pace in the air. "I'm not sure yet. The Dark and Light Prognosticus never talk about doing small things like this. All their contents are about global destruction and huge prophecies and stuff. But...." His eyes met mine. "I've heard stories. Stories of a third book, which is neither good or evil. It was made simply for the selfish. People who don't care about good or bad."

I looked over at him. "Do you think that will have the answer??" Dimentio looked down. "Possibly...however, I have no idea where it could be. I've only heard stories of it, and stories I've heard aren't good. They say that it is secured somewhere where it won't fall into the wrong hands. If we are to find it, we would have to only take what we need, as I heard it takes a strong hold of the one who wields it, granting them a large amount of selfish power, more so than the Dark Prognosticus." I nodded. He then gave me a serious look. "You're going to have to make sure I don't touch it. I want nothing to do with it. Based on what I've heard, the last thing we want is for it to fall into the hands of someone like me. I can try to help you find it, if it does exist, and I can try to help you use it, but you can not let me have it." I nodded. "O-okay. So, where do we look?"

Dimentio looked around. "Well, I know that the legend of the Grey Prognosticus originated in the fallen Kingdom of Sarasaland."

I shuddered. I've never been there, but I've heard stories. The economy was struggling greatly, with a young woman on the throne. She reached out to neighboring Kingdoms for help, but when they refused, she had sent her army to attack in a fit of revenge. But, when her army was defeated, her kingdom fell, and she disappeared. Now the place is in ruin. A few people still live there, but they tend to be even edgier than everyone else.

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