After some paperwork -Sorin examined the room and thumbed through different books- I felt his gaze on me. A small sigh escaped me.

"Do you have a question or another ignorant comment?" I asked, scribbling down my signature on a letter I needed to send out. Sorin set down whatever knick-knack he was messing with.

"When the hell are you going to show me where I'm sleeping? I figured you at least would have enough money for a bed." I paused my writing and looked up.

"What? Is the lieutenant of the king's guard tired?"

Sorin frowned. "Not hardly. I just wanted to get an idea of where Ravaryn's assassin sleeps." My eyebrow raised.

"And you think you'll be sleeping in my room?" I asked.

Sorin smirked and stepped forward, leaning on my desk. "I'm sure I could find a way for the both of us to fit into your bed." I let my eyes narrow.

"As much as that intrigues me," I said, cocking my head, "don't get ahead of yourself. You will have your own room with your own accommodations, and if I'm lucky, it'll be infested with rats and spiders." Sorin moved over to his coat which he'd slung over a chair earlier and began putting it on.

"Great. Let's go there now."

"We go when I say we go." Chuckling, Sorin walked over to my desk again and plucked the paper from my hand. Then he placed them on my desk.

"How many times must I say this? You are not in charge here. I can take everything you ever care for and burn it. Don't test me." I smiled.

"But your try-hard at intimidation is by far one of my favorite moods."

Sorin exhaled. "Did you hear what I said?"

I stood slowly though it didn't give me much height on him. "The thing that makes me so good at what I do, besides being this badass assassin with no morals, is that I don't care about anything. Destroy my business, kill my spy, burn whatever the hell your pyromaniac brain wants to, and see if that breaks me. See if I care." Sorin frowned but didn't speak. I picked up my book and a few papers and started to walk out. "You know what? A few hours of sleep doesn't seem awful. Chop Chop," I said over my shoulder as I walked out of the room.


Once we got up to our rooms on the fourth floor -I put him in the room next to mine to watch over his movements- I pushed open Sorin's door.

He peeked his head inside as if scared to go in and frowned."This is it?"

I forced a smile. "You can leave if it's not satisfactory, and I do encourage that. There's a nasty draft that comes in around two in the morning." Sorin shifted, looking, for the first time, visibly uncomfortable. He unconsciously wiped his hand on his shirt as if that would remove the dirt.

"There's not... a suite or anything?"

"I run on convenience, not comfort. We are cramped as it is, having to double up in some rooms. This is as good as it gets." This time my smirk was genuine. "Now, if you're having second thoughts on this assignment, I will gladly show you out." There was a small hesitation in Sorin's movements before he went inside the room and glanced around, disgusted.

I shrugged and tossed him his key. "Suit yourself. Here's your key. If you lose it, you'll just have to barricade your door with your bed or something. I know you want to be able to follow me so I get up at five sharp to start my rounds." Sorin turned and faced me, eyes wide.

"Five? But it's already well after one."

"Yes, your point?"

Sorin scoffed. "Do you ever sleep?"

The Scarlet AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now