(24) Clearer

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Kyrie's mum had, unsurprisingly, called my mum during the night to tell her what had happened and to ask if she could take Kyrie in for the forseeable future.

My mum had called Kyrie downstairs for a chat the minute we woke up, and I was terrified that she'd send him away for what he did to her best friend. Knowing Kyrie, he'd take the punishment without argument. He definitely wouldn't open up to her about feeling neglected.

That's why I took it upon myself to speak to her after she was done with him.

"Where's Kyrie?" I asked her, hearing the front door shut as I reached the kitchen.

"He said he was meeting some girl called Val for lunch."

"Am I allowed to ask what you and Kyrie were talking about?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You know exactly what I wanted to speak to him about."

"It wasn't Kyrie's fault. She's the one who's been ignoring him. Yes, he shouldn't have thrown a glass and it probably would've been easier for him to just talk to her, but-"

"Rowan, calm down." She ordered, "I'm not angry at Kyrie."

I frowned, "You're not?"

"No, I'm not. I'm actually worried about him."

She gestured for me to sit across from her at the table.

"He didn't seem himself."

"How do you mean?"

She sighed, "I wasn't trying to interrogate him. But it's my job as one of his guardians to make sure everything's okay at home. And after that phone call from his mum, I knew there was something wrong."

"And? What did he say?"

"I asked him to explain his side of the story, but he didn't. Told me he knows he's a disgrace of a child and that he'd understand if I wanted to throw him out."

My eyes widened, "You're not gonna do that, right?"

"Of course not." She scoffed, "Kyrie is practically family. He's like a son to me. Of course I'm not gonna chuck him on the streets."

I let out a relieved sigh, "Okay, so if you're not throwing him out, what are you doing with him?"

"What can I do? He refuses to talk to me. All I've got to go off is what his mother told me."

"What did she tell you exactly?"

"That she doesn't want Kyrie to come home for a while because she's afraid of what he might do. Thanks to you, I know he threw a glass at her. Do you know why that is?"

"He didn't throw it at her," I muttered, "He threw it at the wall."

"That still isn't normal behaviour though, is it? I know he's your friend and you don't want to break his trust, but it's important that you tell me what's going on. How can I help if I only have part of a story?"

I sighed. On one hand, my mum might have actually been able to fix Kyrie's relationship with his mum. She was her best friend after all. But on the other hand, she could've made things worse which would've led to Kyrie hating me to spilling his secrets. He only told me how he was feeling because he trusted me and, by the looks of it, he didn't trust my mum enough to tell her anything.

There was never a right answer in a situation like this. There was only what I felt was the right thing to do, and I thought it was safer for my mum to know.

So I told her. I told her that Kyrie felt neglected by his mum. I told her that she was constantly putting the baby before him. I told her how he thought she loved me, Riley and Reenie more than him. I told her how she reacted when he came out compared to how she reacted to me. I told her everything Kyrie had told me, hoping she could save what remained of their relationship before it was too late.

By the time I had finished, she had tears in her eyes and was chewing on her fingernails nervously.

"And that's pretty much all I know.." I trailed off, studying my mum's reaction. She didn't say a word the entire time, focusing intently on what I had to say.

She let out a shaky breath, "I had no idea their relationship was so rocky."

"Why'd you think he spends so much time here?"

"He feels safe with you, doesn't he?"

"I think so." I murmured, trying not to blush at her words. She still didn't know the full extent of our relationship and I wasn't ready to tell her until I knew for sure how I felt about Kyrie.

"I have no idea what to do." She sighed, dropping her head into her hands.

My heart sank in my chest, seeing my mum so distressed. The truth was, we were both desparate to help Kyrie. But getting involved had the possibility of making things worse. It definitely wasn't what Kyrie wanted.

"There's nothing we can do." I tried to reason, hoping I wasn't sleeping on a clear solution. If there truly was something we could do to help Kyrie, I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

"You'll keep an eye on him, won't you?" She pleaded, "The situation should sort itself out after a while, but you need to make sure Kyrie doesn't do something he's gonna regret. He needs you now more than ever, even if he refuses to admit it."

"I will. I promise."

She smiled, "You mean a lot to him, you know?"

"How do you mean?"

She likely meant it in a platonic way, but I wanted to be sure.

Her smile slowly became a knowing grin, "You think I'm oblivious? I've seen the way he looks at you. You look at him the same way. And now you've confirmed that he likes boys, there's no doubt in my mind that what he feels for you is stronger than the average friendship."

I didn't give my mum enough credit. She was more observant than I originally assumed.

"We've been getting closer recently." I admitted.

Her eyes lit up, "Oh, have you now? Tell me more."

I didn't want to expose Kyrie or anything, but this was my mum. We could trust her. Surely Kyrie knew that.

"He's kissed me a couple of times. He made out like they meant nothing, but now I know he has feelings for me."

"Did he tell you that himself?"

I nodded, "He said he's had them since we were young."

I'd never seen the woman look as happy as she looked in that moment.

"I've always thought the two of you would make the perfect couple."

"We're not a couple." I groaned, but I was blushing.

"Well, why not?"

"It's complicated."

"Do you like him?"

I nodded and she clasped her hands together.

"Then what's so complicated about it? You like him and he likes you. I think you should go for it."

"But what if it doesn't work out between us? I can't lose him, mum."

"Oh, honey." She sighed, reaching over to take my hand in hers, "Kyrie loves you so goddamn much. You really think he's just gonna drop you like that? Nothing you can do or say will make him care about you any less."

"How can you know that for sure?"

"Because you've found your person. Whether it's platonic or romantic, you two have a special connection nobody can break. Maybe things will go sour if the two of you start dating, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to give it a shot? If it doesn't work out, you can go back to being best friends."

"And what if it does work out?"

She bit her lip, hiding her smile, "Then I better get to walk you down the aisle."

I laughed, things suddenly seeming so much clearer.

"I love you mum."

She lifted my hand to press a kiss to my knuckles.

"I love you too son."

I finally knew what I wanted.

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